Example sentences of "[verb] away as " in BNC.

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1 CHEADLE , flags holders , league champions and unbeaten for more than two years , did not allow their proud record to slip away as they beat Heaton Mersey 15–12 in the final of the Daily Telegraph Senior Flags final at Didsbury yesterday .
2 As was often common after breech births , the afterbirth had not come away as it should have done , and Effie had been so torn during the birth , Dr Neil told her later , that she had started to bleed , and then the bleeding had turned into a violent haemorrhaging , the passage of the afterbirth completing the damage already done to Effie 's poor little body .
3 So whoever it was driving the silent car must have seen them before twisting the wheel , reversing against the dry grass and brambles , and driving away as quietly towards the castle and the village .
4 Almost without being aware of it she became part of the team , feeling any initial nervousness slip away as her actions became automatic and her training took over .
5 He became quite carried away as with dexterous strokes he carved a particularly exquisite right breast and set to work on the delicate fluting of the ribs .
6 In a photoionization process , on the other hand , any energy from the incoming photon over and above that needed to ionize the molecule is carried away as kinetic energy of the electron ejected from the molecule ; conservation of linear momentum is generally accomplished by recoil of the ion formed .
7 But she 's getting carried away with this , though her friends are good enough but they 're all getting carried away as you would say with a bad crowd .
8 More sinister changelings became channels for daemons which walked the land in those host bodies , twisting and melting their anatomy into devilish monstrosities with scales and horns , claws and feelers — until the possessed bodies finally fell apart , until the vestiges of corrupted mind were sucked away as spirit-meat for those parasites from outside of normality .
9 It was interesting to observe how they arrived full of animation and determined to be good and entertaining guests and then to watch the slightly false vivacity fade away as the melin had its usual effect .
10 Do not lose interest and let the end of a sentence fade away as you scan your notes for the next remark .
11 Within days my razor-sharp gleaming long knife was slicing away as fast an an Austin Seven 's piston , much to the watching queue 's fascinated appreciation .
12 In the match of the tournament , Drake took the first set 6–3 only to see his advantage melt away as Alger powered his way back into the reckoning with a blistering 6–1 win in the second .
13 A chorus of ‘ Noes ’ greeted the coroner 's demands though Athelstan noticed that the hospitallers looked away as they mumbled their responses .
14 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
15 Aaron , Benstede 's body-servant , appeared as if from nowhere and both he and his master moved away as Corbett turned to see the French leave , de Craon still smirking .
16 Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn , and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky .
17 The passive is certainly more impersonal and factual than the active construction but nevertheless one feels that an analysis such as that of Palmer and Higgenbotham , which equates He was seen to walk away and He was seen to be walking away as both having the reporting " see that " meaning , loses sight of a slight but real semantic distinction .
18 Far from dying away as the century progressed , this anti-Darwinian and anti-adaptationist view of evolution became more powerful .
19 Twenty yards away , through the storm , I glimpsed his figure , furiously lashing away as though his last fishing moment had come .
20 ‘ Yoo-hoo ! ’ yelled Jack in Wild Western imitation , but his voice tailed away as Inspector Burden of Kingsmarkham CID emerged from Queen Street and approached them across the forecourt of the Olive and Dove .
21 Her voice tailed away as with a seemingly effortless movement he found his feet , and bounded across the short distance to block her passage .
22 ‘ Very soon after the campaign of unspeakable suffering had commenced , ’ James Butterworth wrote in 1932 , ‘ those who had laboured long in building up a club saw the once-hooligan juniors , who had become stalwart seniors , whipped away as by magic …
23 Although many more ancient monuments and ruins existed than survive today , they were either thought of as relatively recent ruins or natural phenomena , or else they were explained away as having been made by gods or legendary heroes .
24 Sylvia would be acknowledged to be Burkett 's daughter , she would perform some small chores , but chiefly be explained away as evidence of Hope 's goodness of heart in giving his ‘ man 's ’ daughter the chance of a change of air .
25 A few borings indicating greater thicknesses might be explained away as going diagonally through detritus on the outer flank of the reef , but there are now too many for one to conclude that the results can be explained in this way .
26 Certainly , attempts to read the poem at a wholly symbolic level with the violence being explained away as allegorical representations of abstract moral conflicts ignore the great deal of interest the poem shows in history , particularly Spenser 's contemporary history .
27 The company also made records for the ‘ World-echo ’ and ‘ Siemens ’ labels , and they were given away as Christmas presents in giant Christmas crackers made by Mead & Fields Ltd .
28 The children of the Indians are saved , to be sold or given away as servants , or rather slaves for as long a time as the owners can make them believe themselves slaves .
29 Let the hand spring away as it touches the skin .
30 As writer of a weekly newspaper column , he was allowed his own room in hotels , and from the corridor could be heard above the typewriter coughing away as he smoked one cigarette after another .
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