Example sentences of "[verb] made the " in BNC.

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1 The rapid growth of ACET since its inception in 1988 has made the creation of this new post a priority .
2 ( One of America 's leading Jungian psychologists , Dr Joseph L. Henderson , in Man And His Symbols , edited by Carl Jung , has made the connection — without reference to Leonard 's work , to be sure .
3 First , it may be that no one ( as yet ) has made the critical observations which would allow the pattern to become evident .
4 The demolition of the Iron Curtain has made the Caucasus much more accessible to western mountaineers .
5 Most recently , the discovery that the late Paul de Man , the doyen of American deconstructionists , had been a young collaborationist journalist in Nazi-occupied Belgium has made the issue painfully acute in the United States .
6 ‘ Although it is argued that fear of punitive jury awards has made the US business safety-conscious , quite a price has had to be paid for that by way of corporate and insurance company bankruptcy , the closing of municipal facilities and the practice of defensive medicine . ’
7 Mr Kinnock has made the change all right , and , since he told us in his speech that he has acted with candour , we must believe him .
8 The appointment of Charlton would be seen in Manchester as the perfect solution to the damaging public wrangling that has made the club a public farce over recent weeks .
9 This turnaround of the external accounts has made the domestic performance of the ecomomy look decidedly better than it has been .
10 Bobby Robson has made the three expected alterations to the team that began the 0-0 draw in Sweden last month .
11 Politically aware , Mother Catherine , 82 and mother superior at the Our Lady of the Passion Monastery in Daventry , Northamptonshire , has made the running , fully conscious from the start of her publicity value .
12 The Branch recently received the Wings Trophy , awarded annually to the branch which has made the most consistent progress in the Wings collection over the past 10 years , from North East Area Chairman Brian Wilkie .
13 The legislation has made the creation of new closed shops more difficult , has restricted definition of what are legal strikes , and has exposed union funds to claims against unlawful industrial action .
14 Her invocation of themes and support for many policies favoured by the party 's grass-roots supporters has made the party more radical .
15 Diana has made the transition from girl to woman and has become secure and fulfilled ; Charles has confronted the spectre of middle age and doubt , and emerged certain .
16 The worsening state of the economy — Greece 's overall debt is expected to exceed the nation 's gross domestic product for 1989 — has made the need for government even more acute .
17 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
18 NFC stands as a monument to the irrelevance of both nationalisation and denationalisation ; and as a monument to the vision of Sir Peter Thompson and his colleagues whose commitment to employee involvement has made the transport group , which was floated in February , the one privatisation that got away .
19 What has made the approach of the deadline even more worrying is the apparent still-birth of Mr Bush 's proposal at the end of November to meet Iraq 's foreign minister , Tariq Aziz , in Washington , and to send his own secretary of state , James Baker , to Baghdad .
20 Home ownership in America is falling for the first time since the Depression , just as the savings-and-loan collapse has made the government the largest single owner of property after foreclosing on bankrupt thrifts .
21 Ask yourself why , for example , no one has made The Pete Townshend Story , with its denouement in the offices of Faber & Faber publishing , or Jagger ! , complete with barnstorming finale in the pavilion at Lord 's .
22 Neil Ewart , the breeding centre manager , firmly believes that it is the association 's ‘ scientific approach ’ which has made the breeding programme so successful .
23 Hall has made the covers of Time as well as the Village Voice , and ascended into ratings heaven ( only one rival tops his statistics : the evergreen Johnny Carson Show ) .
24 One of our first thoughts was to accommodate the sows outdoors , so for comparative purposes he has made the assumption that new purpose-built accommodation for 220 sows would be likely to cost £400 a sow .
25 In reality , sensory deprivation has made the horse bored silly .
26 Herbert von Karajan would probably have been a phenomenon in any age — musical talent of this order , high intelligence , and such singleness of purpose rarely go unregistered — but the twentieth-century context has made the career an unusually fascinating one , even if it has not always been very well understood by the apprentice biographers or the journalists who find Karajan such an irresistible source of copy .
27 In three weeks ' time , we will know if Conner has made the final with his solitary Stars & Stripes , or if Koch 's multi-boat , dollar-rich campaign has succeeded .
28 Although only halfway through her first effort ( based , oh dear , on a dream ) she already has an agent and has made the shortlist of a first-time fiction writers ' competition , the Ian St James Awards , for a story drawn from the book .
29 She realised he could provide her with some top-class partners and she has made the best of them .
30 The award of the medal is accompanied by a cash prize and is normally made annually to the candidate who , in the opinion of Analytical Division Council , has made the greatest contribution , and whose work has made the most significant impact on any branch of analytical chemistry .
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