Example sentences of "[verb] in with " in BNC.

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1 I let Nat have my dogs and sit in with Tony .
2 ‘ Whenever I do play with any kind of distortion , if I go and sit in with somebody , I find it 's so easy .
3 You might do some press releases , information gathering , help at press receptions when extra hands are needed , prepare information kits and sit in with your boss at client and supplier meetings .
4 Some of the collisions were violent , but other planetesimals simply blended in with other collisions .
5 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
6 Anyway , it was a good job we did because these erm these grouse and these chickens , I mean , they were so blended in with the the , the roadside you could hardly see them , and then they moved .
7 Sherrin recalled the actor occasionally phoning in with ideas for the monologues , but Crawford 's desire to deliver a eulogy to Sir Winston Churchill after the wartime Prime Minister 's funeral met with a cold response from his producer .
8 Where the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries gave way to the nineteenth , things became crisper : you read of a profusion of Elizas and Thomases , of beloved wives and lamented parents : white marble crept in with the grey limestone .
9 The bridge has fallen in with the Mayor and Corporation on it .
10 Andre had fallen in with the legendary Lafons of Meursault — Dominique Lafon was at college at the same time , and Lafon pere had become something of a mentor .
11 But had he not fallen in with it too readily and too rapidly simply because it was a testimony to his secure tenure , a declaration before the world that he was a king indeed , and his progeny fit mates for the royalty of Europe ?
12 ‘ You 've fallen in with a right bad pair there , chief .
13 Daffodil Quentin 's runner , Pampering , had been flown in with five others owned by people on the train , all of whom were strolling around with rosettes and almost permanently smiling faces .
14 Turkey is flown in with the weekly food supplies , while in Tripoli some enterprising expats even breed turkeys specifically for the festive table .
15 As thousands of refugees prepare for winter , our reporter Kim Barnes has flown in with a plane-load of desperately-needed warm clothing , to see at first hand the work being done to help .
16 At the same time I could hear someone tapping frantically on the glass door of the kiosk , someone far too anxious to clamber in with me .
17 We find it a hard , yet meaningful road to travel because it fits in with our experience of life — the disappointments as well as the joys .
18 As we said in the last chapter , the Church is well placed to give a positive message at this time , to speak of how mortality is understood and how it fits in with the Christian message of salvation .
19 GM schools will be able to change their character if that is what parents clearly want and the change fits in with the wider needs of the local area .
20 Although good compost can be produced more quickly , the above method fits in with our work schedule and our planting times .
21 But more important is a feeling that the sky burial fits in with the isolation and strangeness of the setting .
22 Because it fits in with the way you see yourself ?
23 It fits in with what I know , certainly . ’
24 The child who is abused or belittled will often , when an adult , seek out others who will treat him in the same way as this fits in with his inner image of himself .
25 Parents and teachers usually judge children 's behaviour by whether it fits in with the usual standards — moral , emotional , social and intellectual — set by the society in which they live .
26 ‘ No doubt , ’ said Mr Harold Brooks-Baker of Burke 's , ‘ it fits in with the freer ways of today but some feel that freedom is an over-used word .
27 It is easy to operate as it fits in with existing school organisation .
28 One particularly searching way of appraising informal interviews is to ask ourselves how much we accept what the interviewer tells us simply because it fits in with our own preconceptions or biases .
29 This fits in with the general tendency among much of the elite population in Shetland ( and Dunrossness ) to avoid raising ‘ issues ’ ( this has obviously happy consequences for those who are benefitting most from oil-related developments ) .
30 And you 'll find our billing methods are flexible enough for us to agree whichever best fits in with your existing accounting system and credit period preference .
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