Example sentences of "[verb] another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And yet it is still against the law of the land for another ordained Anglican leader to come in and plant another church to help reach the people !
2 The physics baffles me , the philosophy bores me — but I know that I would take about seven years for me to write out all the digits in a statement of the odds against encountering another ship in Highlight .
3 The mythical opponents , Vishnu representing complacency and preservation and Siva symbolizing change and metamorphosis , gain another perspective in the light of physics .
4 Huggett ( 1976b ) , in an attempt to define geographical systems , extended Lazlo 's ( 1972b ) bipartite scheme to include another microhierarchy to provide an evolutionary link between atoms and planets in the macrohierarchy , namely the hierarchy of planetary and geological systems .
5 They argue that causation involves one event ( the cause ) generating or producing another event ( the effect ) , and that we can obtain direct knowledge about this causal generation : we do not have to infer causality on the basis of temporal priority .
6 In this example , the marginal benefit of another film exceeds the marginal cost of producing another film .
7 Producing another film would add more to social benefit than it would add to social cost .
8 They all laughed as Nikos relieved the momentary tension by producing another bottle of wine and proceeded to fill fresh glasses .
9 The alternative is a gene's-eye view , suggested by Samuel Butler 's famous remark that a chicken is simply the egg 's way of producing another egg , and developed in a modern context in Richard Dawkins 's book , The Selfish Gene .
10 Before Tolby had stopped squirming , Lorton flung another question at him .
11 Me thinks another pilgrim is trying to make a buck .
12 Kissing or touching another man in a sexual way or even just going out for a drink without telling a partner is regarded by most as being unfaithful .
13 If I have a shade card for that particular yarn I write the tension on that too , to save me the bother of knitting another tension swatch when I next come to use the yarn .
14 Jaq scanned another swarm of these hybrids , on the rampage with guns and blades .
15 The original fabric of Shawell school also displays another quality that is characteristic of mid-Victorian church schools — the neo-Gothic style of architecture .
16 He picked himself up and breasted another mound .
17 SOME observers think diesel-engined cars are about to enjoy another upsurge in popularity among company vehicle fleet operators .
18 He was admitted as an associate of the Institute of Taxation in 1983 , and , by submitting another thesis , qualified as a fellow in 1985 .
19 However , a full one-point rise would probably trigger another run on sterling and force a one-point base rate rise in the UK .
20 Ca n't we trigger another arrears letter ?
21 I have even developed another faculty not normally considered as one of the five senses .
22 But recently my colleagues and I have developed another theory which I think has more interesting implications .
23 To help myself understand this , I 've developed another image .
24 Wilcock had developed another interest too , one that had burgeoned on the Voice , a fascination with Andy Warhol 's factory , then turning out movies at the Factory by the dozen , and sucking in voyeurs , drifters , hopers , and no-hopers .
25 Between the formalised rigours of the Court and the relative torpor of much estate living , the European aristocracy in the seventeenth century had generally developed another pattern of diversion , combining pleasure with a certain degree of purpose .
26 Some deep-sea fish have developed another solution .
27 Nevertheless , Kennedy committed the USA to a new level of arms production , thoroughly alarming the Russians and inaugurating another phase in the arms race between the superpowers .
28 The new Lady Woodleigh looked as if she might take her riding-crop to him if he so much as uttered another word .
29 Was this the price that these incomers to Orkney were to pay for befriending and attempting to support another family in trouble ?
30 Sir James Goldsmith sold another chunk of Newmont Mining , the biggest gold-mining group in North America .
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