Example sentences of "[verb] too little " in BNC.

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1 The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists say too little data exists on the dangers of underwater birth .
2 They felt that the Authority provided too little support here at first , although curriculum leadership courses introduced in the later stages of the ‘ Programme provided some help subsequently .
3 The 1996 conference was written into the Maastricht treaty largely because the treaty promised too little federalism for German taste .
4 A horse that is underfed is likely to be dull and lethargic ; whereas an overfed horse which has too little exercise , especially if it is fed grain , is likely to be over-excited and silly .
5 Worse still , Europe may be losing out because it has too little high-technology manufacturing .
6 He argues that cricket has too little regard for these moments , and wishes baseball 's practice of measuring and recording big hits was adopted .
7 The only exception has been the rear access door that covers the Parallel and Serial Ports , which has too little clearance between it and any modern parallel printer plug .
8 On the principle question in the case , the concensus of the judges was that the authorities against the existance of the defence were irresistable , but perhaps this payed too little regard to the paralell rule for the priviledge of self-defence .
9 I may feel guilty because my father died young , because I masturbate , because I earn too little or too much , because I have wind .
10 He is to blame because we produce too little , export too little and import too much .
11 It does not help that Cherubini allows too little variety of pace , and that his lyrical gift is limited too .
12 It does not help that Cherubini allows too little variety of pace , and that his lyrical gift is limited too .
13 Japan has done too little , too late about tightening money policy and deflating its financial bubble .
14 Lizzie grumbled and said she was getting thin and doing too much , but then Lizzie would have grumbled if she had done too little .
15 It would n't surprise me to hear it was locally referred to as the sugar sifter ( a metaphor at last ! ) , one of those useless gadgets dispensing too little or too much in cheap cafés .
16 So I 've written too little liquor for them , a wonderful word which is actually the proper word , called onigohydromonous
17 He is suspicious not because Read uses too much anthropological material , but because he uses too little .
18 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
19 In contrast with earlier enquiries — especially Beckford — they were criticized for paying too little attention to parents and for having ‘ a strong focus on the needs of the child in isolation from the family ’ ( DOH , 1988 , para. 4. 57 ) .
20 Two of the displays also show the results of paying too little attention to human factors !
21 Some of them added that they thought the TBC paid too little attention to the speeches of politicians : this was to be a frequent complaint .
22 He was also concerned that the traditional course overemphasised factual knowledge and paid too little attention to the attitudes that modern doctors need to develop towards their patients , their colleagues , and their work .
23 Hamdi Ali Abdel-Wahab al-Banbi , hitherto chairman of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation ( EGPC ) , took over as Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister from the long-serving Abdul Hadi Mohammed Qandil , whose dismissal had been widely predicted following criticism from foreign companies that he paid too little attention to exploration and production .
24 Several recent studies , including the OECD 's latest report on the French economy , suggest that France may actually import too little .
25 On the one hand the British were frequently too interested in East–West military disengagement in Germany , and on the other they showed too little interest in Western European integration .
26 It allowed too little time for the furore provoked by Howe 's resignation to die down .
27 Sadly , her character shows too little flesh for one to care over-much .
28 The two other potential candidates , Ronnie Hampel and Tom Hutchison , who joined the board in 1985 , were deemed to have had too little boardroom experience .
29 As mentioned elsewhere the specific design of transition methods gets too little attention .
30 It might have invested too little in building its capital stock , thus perhaps enfeebling itself in future competition with foreign rivals .
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