Example sentences of "[verb] good time " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and when I celebrate good times , I do it with Dregs .
2 Nothing unusual — clocks behaving as before , keeping good time and continuing to emit their light beams .
3 This manifesto does not promise good times just around the corner .
4 They had made good time .
5 We have made good time .
6 We had made good time and had to ease speed to avoid closing the island in darkness .
7 A family line which had begun with a marriage of 1625 , seen good times and bad times , sent its bright young sons to London and married its daughters into many a Frome family was seeing here , in Sarah , its last torch-bearer .
8 as if it had happened a few years ago , Mr Donal John MacLennan , leaning on his metal gate as his sheep thronged the pens of today 's farm at Corry , knew that Johnson and Boswell had been guests in this place , and that they had had good times here .
9 He got a sheet of paper about that long to all concerned we have no salt , pepper , mustard , vinegar , our clock does not keep good time , er
10 The weather was not too promising , but we made good time and were soon at the first terrace .
11 The snow improved as the slope steepened and I made good time up the 100 metres to the ridge top and along to the ‘ summit ’ .
12 Once free of the knotted tentacles of the eastern suburbs , Dalgliesh made good time and by three he was driving through Lydsett village .
13 They made good time thereafter , considering the darkness , encountering no problems .
14 After 45 minutes they finally emerged from the storm under broken cloud , and then made good time to Rangoon .
15 ‘ You made good time . ’
16 The Dornier made good time and it was shortly after two in the morning when Devlin jumped at five thousand feet .
17 We make good time on the road from the motorway ; people actually help you overtake when you 're in a cop car .
18 It is an amazing success story for a company which has known good times — and bad .
19 times He 'll have good times Goin' oot on the randan But
20 It kept good time .
21 I was making good time when my eye was caught by a small , wooden sign , on which was written , ‘ Harristown Dolmen ’ .
22 The mist had lifted in the night and Marler was making good time .
23 In somewhat better weather conditions they climbed the five-mile drove-road to the lofty Tushielaw pass , and down to Tushielaw itself , with its bridge across Ettrick , making good time , although the burns and streams were running high and making fording a problem in places .
24 We had good times when he was here before .
25 The buyer 's ideal position is to buy at run-of-week or run-of paper rates , but to have sufficient ‘ pull ’ either through the size of the budget or the closeness of the relationship with the media sales agent concerned to achieve good times and positions regardless .
26 The Market : Buyers out to make good times roll
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