Example sentences of "[verb] her into " in BNC.

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1 He did have a habit of railroading her into things , but she knew she would be crazy to refuse .
2 How glad she was that Tom had finally badgered her into going .
3 No matter how hard she protested that The Delinquents was not soft porn , the film transformed her into the sex-siren she secretly desired to become .
4 Lady Constance visited some suffragettes imprisoned in Holloway gaol , and this experience transformed her into a public figure with a single-minded burning cause .
5 When the fish are placed in the breeding tank courtship will normally start within minutes , the male displaying to the female and driving her into the floating mops .
6 Lucenzo crushed her body closer to his , driving her into a fast , whirling quickstep , his thighs moving against hers with hard , male insistence .
7 She felt him naked between her thighs , felt the throb of his manhood against her slippery skin , and his long , expert fingers were still on the pulse that was taking her over , making her mad , driving her into wild darkness , and his voice said thickly , ‘ Rachel …
8 Send her into that ?
9 She had never intended to become involved in this kind of conversation with the soldier , but somehow he had trapped her into replying .
10 In his own way he was as dangerous as Marcus — had n't he already trapped her into staying with him longer than she deemed either necessary or wise ?
11 Teenagers like Kelly say the tough fines have trapped her into a life of prostitution .
12 His lips continued to hold her captive , weaving some dark spell around her that seduced her senses and lured her into sharing a virgin part of herself with this man … this man , with whom , of all the men she had ever met , she wanted least to share these secrets of herself .
13 Detective Sergeant Mick Ornellus , of Clacton CID , said the two men either offered or already had carried out a number of jobs for her and tricked her into parting with the money .
14 He whipped back the covers and moved her into bed as if she were a doll , watching her for a second and then turning away .
15 Her father 's voice jerked her into the drawing-room .
16 Mrs Lennox threw an arm around Maggie and drew her into the kitchen .
17 Then Breeze ran forwards and hugged Susan , who presently drew her into the hall .
18 A cloud blotched the plastic walls of the tent , drew her into the present and still she was excluded .
19 Things that filled her with joy and drew her into the everyday lives of the two people she had loved for so many lonely years .
20 Relieved , he drew her into the haven of his arms .
21 He closed his hand on her arm and drew her into the gloom of the passage .
22 I drew her into a shadowy window embrasure .
23 Lucenzo ruthlessly hurried the shaken Meredith through a small door , to the sound of indulgent ribaldry , and drew her into a small salotto .
24 With some wild , unplanned , unfocused idea of shaming him with feminine helplessness , she stayed mute as he drew her into his arms , and remained passive as he gathered her up to him .
25 Unexpectedly , Leo drew her into his arms and rested his head on hers .
26 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
27 Effortlessly , he released the recalcitrant belt and drew her into his arms .
28 He put his arm through Therese 's and drew her into a corner of the room .
29 Reaching across , he drew her into his arms , settling her head against his shoulder as he stroked her ice-cold cheek with a gentle hand .
30 Would she ? she wondered as he drew her into his special world of sensuality .
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