Example sentences of "[verb] those [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it is commonly agreed among those involved in the computer misuse debate that the Law Commission proposals will make it easier to prosecute those who do mean to do wrong using hacking skills .
2 ‘ In the days before there was much legislation on public health matters , public nuisance was the only offence for which it was possible to prosecute those who stank out the neighbourhood with fumes from glassworks , tanneries and smelters , or who kept pigs in the streets , or kept explosives in dangerous places …
3 And although the police stress they want to educate bad drivers as much as land them in court , they say they wo n't hesitate to prosecute those who deserve it .
4 ( For example Manu the lawgiver recommended to Hindu society more than twelve centuries ago that ‘ the chief function of a woman is to give birth , nurse those who are born and attend daily duties ' or ‘ A girl must be married before she attains puberty and after she is married she must be kept busy looking after elders , cooking , cleaning , keeping accounts and saving money and of course doing Dharma ) .
5 However it may still be useful to compare some of the main relevant characteristics of the samples , omitting those who went straight into institutional care , in order to see whether the development officers had more dependent or problematic clients to deal with than were in the control samples .
6 A comparison has therefore been made in terms of age , OBS score at referral , extent of informal care at referral , mobility , and a selection of behavioural problems , for both action and control samples , omitting those who went straight into institutional care .
7 In the Old Testament , farmer Amos , with rustic bluntness , flays those who attempt to keep up a religious facade without matching conduct ; and James , his outspoken New Testament counterpart , exposes those who are " hearers of the word " but not " doers " of it .
8 It is thus fitting that nowhere has pop been so active as in that area so firmly delineated as ‘ private ’ by the dominant culture and woe betide those who , like politicians in sex scandals , mix the public and the private , or otherwise transgress the narrow boundaries — namely those of sexuality and gender .
9 ‘ My life with Gary and my mother and her occult friends has enabled me to pick out the symptoms by which we may recognise those who are involved in the occult .
10 May we respect those who give of their time , their friendship and their talents rather than those who strive always to gain more for themselves Amen
11 97% want those who abandon their dogs to be prosecuted .
12 But is not the point that erm we want those who are concerned about fashionable elements , to be attracted by our worship , cos we want everyone to be attracted .
13 We want those who are keeping the animals illegally . ’
14 This suggestion might tempt those who notice that although we do normally accept without query a person 's description of his own sensory states , we sometimes object by saying , for instance , ‘ Surely that traffic light does n't look orange to you .
15 In the past many health authorities discriminated unfairly by not employing those who may have had domestic responsibilities .
16 To ensure the widest scope for getting the best deal it is necessary to exclude those which can not supply on the terms required .
17 As for informal movements , they may be more creatively productive but they also tend to exclude those who are less confident or advantaged to begin with .
18 It had no individual membership within a centrally-controlled structure and thus no means , or desire , to exclude those who wished to join .
19 You agreed that a tiered membership structure ( with stepped rates ) was valuable in enabling those who could not afford to contribute above this lower rate to continue doing so .
20 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
21 Inside Story ( BBC-1 9.30pm ) producer Tom Bower presents the first investigation into Rowland , unravelling his past , tracing the controversial path which earned his fortune and revealing those who have benefited and suffered under his single-minded dictat .
22 But while Hollywood produces a lot of pap it can also stimulate those who have the courage to work against its constraints ( as Boorman once did ) .
23 And this would vindicate those who believe that the market 's ills are not going to be solved by tinkering with new issue processes , but rather by a drastic cutback in the overheads — ie , sacking people — being carried by the industry .
24 One of the changes she made was to include a check in the action , abandoning what had become a ‘ bouncing ’ action , not through any fault in her father 's design but because the technique of those whose ‘ strength ’ knew ‘ no moderation ’ had superseded those whose playing was ‘ soft and melting ’ Between 1796 , when von Schönfeld used those words , and 1809 when Reichardt wrote his letter , the potential of the new instrument became generally accepted in Vienna .
25 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
26 The mass rally in Florence by the Christian Democrats — who are increasing their support in the south and losing it in the north — to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Christian Democrat movement , and the appeal to ‘ trust those who know how to govern ’ , seemed curiously old-fashioned and out of key .
27 They wanted to kill me in a horrific way , to frighten those who work in defence of human rights .
28 It is designed to benefit those who coach the game .
29 If by it we mean a support system to strengthen and assist those who wish to engage in political lobbying , well and good , but if we are to take on a proper campaigning role as Oxfam has done , then this would require additional staff with the necessary experience and specialisation .
30 When it comes to really assist those who er of the so I I would be grateful if members would remember that this item is on the agenda because first of all petition received and secondly because there is no explanation in that not the time to discuss whether this application should be .
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