Example sentences of "[verb] people for " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well the thing about Simon that 's excellent is that he just accepts people for what they are and he does n't judge people
2 She used people for her own ends .
3 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
4 Tactfully , Jiang did not refer to the voices in China calling on Japan to compensate people for their suffering during the Pacific War .
5 The idea that large sums of money must be awarded to compensate people for words which " tend to lower them in the estimation of right-thinking members of society " smacks of an age when social and political life was lived in gentlemen 's clubs , when escutcheons could be blotted and society scandals resolved by writs for slander .
6 Does my hon. Friend agree that employers and the TECs should be congratulated on the fact that , despite difficult economic circumstances , they are continuing to train people for the period , which will shortly come , when under a Conservative Government we shall be re-expanding the economy and employment ?
7 Chrzanowski ruled out inviting Jaruzelski to a Sejm meeting , but told the press that he might be summoned by a special committee , set up as a result of the resolution , to investigate ways of compensating people for wrongs inflicted for political reasons under martial law .
8 They told people for years that they lived like brother and sister — but no-one believed them .
9 At present , YTP courses are training people for jobs that are n't there or else training them in customer contact skills .
10 Whatever one may argue for the value of research findings which ensue from this technique ( and certainly the publication of Down and Out must have come as a revelation to many people in present-day Britain ) the question must be squarely faced as to whether the social researcher has a right to deceive and manipulate people for research purposes .
11 The ideology of psychologism also fits in with the need for motivating people for productive work , and at the same time makes possible and legitimates a fascination with mystery and magic .
12 Because by showing that it wo n't work , it liberates people for some other and perhaps more comprehensive and satisfactory possibility .
13 When he allowed his prime minister to make reassuring comments about France 's continuing role in Algeria or when he himself encouraged rumours that self-determination was just window-dressing for the UN , he was not merely deceiving people for the sake of his Algerian policy ; he was fulfilling what he regarded as one of the state 's sacred responsibilities : to keep the fabric of national unity intact .
14 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
15 He warned : ‘ After the knife amnesty , we will search people for knives .
16 It was difficult for the older people , they should have been a lot more thoughtful how they separated people for the houses .
17 The key requirement is to vet people for the most senior positions .
18 ‘ D' you normally follow people for no reason ? ’
19 The power granted by the Immigration Act to detain people for an indefinite period gives rise to a high level of anxiety and stress among detainees .
20 There are forces working to exploit colour , to divide people for their own ends .
21 Alix smiled and thanked people for saucepans and toast-racks and ironing boards .
22 ‘ Another and I think more important objective is to credit people for skill and knowledge they currently have and by doing so we will be helping to update the system of qualifications in this country . ’
23 ‘ Anaesthetics can upset people for hours , ’ Arthur said .
24 Yet on the other hand , new employers in offices on the Isle of Dogs are not required to take on any local people or train people for the jobs that are on offer .
25 Criticism of the retraining schemes is often that they train people for jobs that are not always available to them and they expect too much mobility from people who have further reasons , in their disability , for being reluctant to move from their familiar surroundings .
26 Process limits reflect the time needed to create awareness of threats and opportunities , build commitment and consensus , select and train people for change , marshal resources , and so on .
27 Eastern religions — some of them the oldest known to man — have taught people for millennia to find their gods within themselves .
28 They like to see people for a cup of tea , and they like popping round to Karen 's for company .
29 At a very early age the Spencer children had impressed upon them the value of good manners , honesty and accepting people for what they are , not for their position in life .
30 We introduce people for friendship and we put women in touch with other women .
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