Example sentences of "[verb] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it is by mixing the personal and the cosmic in his reporting , just as the scientists mix them in their lives , that Mr Overbye has managed to write such a good book .
2 It gives no pleasure to write such a lukewarm report on these productions , for the Houston opera scene is probably livelier now than that of New York .
3 I hesitate to write such a critical letter , but frankly I am at a loss to see how your new design can in any way be seen as an improvement .
4 Nobody is better qualified to write such a tale than Trudi Pacter .
5 It is convenient to write such a relation in the form The first relation was proposed by Rivlin to describe rubber elasticity .
6 It was very good of you to write such a long letter , and I was most interested in what you told me .
7 Naturally this was like a red rag to a bull and I refused to even consider such a course of action .
8 Whether the Court could consider such a newly introduced element depended on the Court 's jurisdiction in respect of disputes between the Revenue and a taxpayer .
9 ‘ I could not possibly consider such a commission for less than five hundred roubles . ’
10 Only the enemy and both of their readers could possibly consider such a question .
11 Let us consider such a chain of consequence , spanning small to large .
12 Egypt 's pioneering efforts in regard to peacemaking are well established and respected , and I do not consider such a line of questioning helpful .
13 She all but yelled the words at him , incensed beyond reason that he could even consider such a thing .
14 How can you even consider such a scheme ? ’
15 Those who could not consider such a utilitarian plaything , even for a joke , will have to hand over nearly £2,000 more for the four-litre version , which will arrive in the spring complete with typically American equipment such as air conditioning , electric windows and central-locking — plus standstill to 60 mph in under nine seconds and an even larger thirst .
16 Let us consider such an ethnographer as an invisible witness to a particular speech event .
17 Never , never would he consider such an event so insupportable as to … ’
18 As readers we expect such a persona to describe a scene , dramatise some situation , and express feelings .
19 Mildred leapt to the floor and sat there for a moment , reflecting how nice it was to be able to jump such an amazing distance without getting hurt .
20 ‘ Be brave , ’ he told himself , and laid the middle finger of each hand upon the rim , as Peccable , who 'd once owned such a Bowl and had it smashed by his wife in a domestic row , had instructed .
21 It must have been a daunting task to know how to encompass and animate such an extensive and familiar subject , but the Royal College of Art , which was commissioned to organise and design the event , enlisted that most reliable of cultural populists , John Julius Norwich , to curate , and he has proved a model of Dimblebyan dependability , as well as introducing the commendably brief but informative and well laid-out catalogue .
22 Would a mere slap from an enraged mistress send such a woman fleeing from the shelter of Gloucester Castle ?
23 The prisoners in particular seem to behave like molecules in a test tube : place such a combination in such a physical environment , agitate , apply heat , and an explosion is the automatic result .
24 A small chorus has applauded such a shift in resources , arguing that prohibition of drugs will always fail so long as Americans remain so determined to get hold of them .
25 Roland Barthes 's preface to this volume warns against the attempt made to ‘ naturalize ’ Robbe-Grillet 's fiction by adopting such a markedly humanist approach .
26 In Scotland , where parent power in schools is further ahead than in England and Wales , and where parents will have the right to select headteachers or dismiss members of the teaching staff , as well as influencing the general policy of the school , many parents expressed their doubts about adopting such a role when the new school year started in 1987 .
27 Anemones are mainly plankton feeders and fish are not regarded as potential prey so there is no loss to the anemone in keeping all fish at bay by adopting such a strategy .
28 Psychology can not construct complete , consistent , scientific theories of the subject by adopting such a programme .
29 He would n't dream of adopting such a persona in his own business world , and I knew it .
30 There are many important advantages in adopting such a system ( these were summarized by Date ) such as : 1 ) redundancy can be reduced , 2 ) inconsistency can be avoided , 3 ) the data can be shared , 4 ) standards can be enforced , 5 ) security restrictions can be applied , and 6 ) integrity can be maintained .
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