Example sentences of "[verb] my first " in BNC.

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1 I there soon experienced my first dealings with corporal punishment .
2 Well I did n't know anything about any none of us knew anything about anybody in those days , cos it was so early on in the , and we were n't , I was influenced more by people like blues er black blues singers , American blues singers like Muddy and Lightning , all those old blues , , er they were the heroes for me that I grew up with playing skiffle and and then Lonnie became my first Lonnie became by first hero and I er modelled a lot of my early singing on Lonnie .
3 ‘ Well , I ca n't say that I 've really earned this , ’ said John , taking a cup , ‘ but perhaps I can be forgiven my first day .
4 When I got my first job out of training it was at Worthing in a juvenile leading role and I got my Equity card because I had been chosen .
5 South bank as well 'cause that 's where I started , where I got my first board ever .
6 I got my first taste of the Masters with Tom .
7 Like many visitors before me , I got my first taste of Greece on crete , the largest and most southerly of the Greek islands .
8 Then I splashed out and got my first Alembic — cost me £890 in 1980 , serious cash .
9 I got my first into the sea close off Sliema and the second was on the way out some miles further out and he went in without a top wing .
10 I had really long hair once , it was way past my bum and when I got my first record deal they wanted me to have it all cut off — it was a total disaster .
11 And it was n't a shock when I got my first hit record because I was trying for that all our lives and so she backed me all the way .
12 I first became involved with releasing barn owls into the wild about two years ago , shortly after i got my first breeding pair , Barny and Mrs Barny .
13 I got my first borstal when I was about eighteen for assault on another girl .
14 Er and I , I do n't know whether that was where I got my first idea of being a nurse .
15 When I got my first laser printer many moons ago , my bank manager almost had a heart attack .
16 After acquiring the relevant paper qualifications in 1979 I got my first sales and marketing job in 1980 .
17 On the first Thursday , I got my first dose of an ‘ on-call ’ period .
18 That 's when I got my first big shock of the night for the caller was none other than Danny himself !
19 As he sat there , that 's when I got my first real look at John Russell .
20 ‘ I suppose I really understood what was at stake when I got my first glimpse of the castle , ’ she admitted , unable to disguise a rather wry smile .
21 Alan explains : ‘ I got my first chance of management about 10 years ago when Ronnie McFall was in charge at the Oval .
22 I got my first one in the middle of November .
23 So I got my I got my first christmas present .
24 I was just let off for an afternoon to sit my first year Sociology exam and then I came into the hospital that was to be my home for the next three years .
25 What do you think my first question would be ?
26 I met my first boyfriend when I was in the fifth year at school , and we were together for six years .
27 It was just four months ago that met my first contras face to face .
28 I had just received my first commission from the world 's greatest rock read and I had less than 24 hours to deliver the goods .
29 Watching the kestrel was a great experience , but life was still very frustrating for me because my mother understandably would n't let me wander very far afield , and I was n't going to see my first real live wild owl in Colchester Park !
30 Thought you ought to see my first published letter — in its edited & unedited versions .
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