Example sentences of "[verb] time in " in BNC.

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1 Even if later generations of beam weapons could provide better shields against nuclear attack , they would probably only buy time in the arms race .
2 Since 1953 the United States has been subjected to rapidly reduced lead time on computer innovation , from several years ' lead time in the 1950s and 1960s to zero and lag time in the 1980s .
3 A minority are unable to make any attachments at all and may need time in a therapeutic community ’ , Elliffe said .
4 Heavy demands are placed on schools to find time in the curriculum for a wide range of individually worthwhile activities and difficult decisions have to be made about priorities .
5 They lamb easily , producing wonderfully tasty meat lambs when crossed with a Ryeland sire , and give the softest of fleeces at shearing time in a variety of attractive shades , ideal for hand spinning and knitting .
6 But 30-year-old Rice has time in hand to erase both marks — then there really will be no doubt about who is the greatest .
7 Who says time in the nick ca n't be well spent . ’
8 The man is a rogue , he stole from his own firm and now that he is serving time in Swansea Prison , I could never allow him near you , let alone marry you . ’
9 The room maid can enter maintenance requests into the system via the telephone , saving time in tracking down members of staff . ’
10 Moreover , few British schools at present include private study periods on the timetable , except for the sixth form , so the teacher knows that his students can only see the sequence in breaks and before and after school , unless he allows time in his own assigned periods with them .
11 They booked time in several prestigious London studios and enlisted the help of producer Chris Allison , with whom they had first worked six months previously on ‘ My Favourite Dress ’ , but the recording began on a sour note and remained agitated throughout .
12 By triggering the unit manually , rotary control VR2 could be calibrated and a scale of operating time in seconds marked out on the front panel .
13 The advantage is that your debtor has either to pay you or not pay you ; if the latter , you have saved time in assessing the situation and can immediately get on with whatever action is necessary .
14 According to his view , congress was no more than a ‘ herd of mediocrities ’ where , ‘ members consume time in enormous quantities in their quaint Congressional processes .
15 He spent three days in jail after smashing up an apartment , and has done time in a drug rehabilitation centre .
16 We are used to measuring time in decades and centuries and millennia .
17 Briefly , though , the bases for systems of reckoning and measuring time in most languages seem to be the natural and prominent cycles of day and night , lunar months , seasons and years .
18 There are many laboratory techniques for measuring time in speech , and measurement of the time intervals between stressed syllables in connected English speech has not shown the expected regularity ; moreover , using the same measuring techniques on different languages , it has not been possible to show a real difference between ‘ stress-timed ’ and ‘ syllable-timed ’ languages .
19 ‘ And I can certainly think of ways in which I can talk about this in such a way that Mrs Jones doing her washing up , Mr Brown driving to work , E H Os idling time in their offices , listen to the radio , can actually listen and enjoy it . ’
20 These would be needed to control small incidents , to meet Britain 's global commitments , and to buy time in an all-out conflict until the strategic nuclear forces of the West had crippled the USSR .
21 ACET volunteers work as part of a team and provide help in many different ways to ensure that people do n't spend time in hospital unnecessarily .
22 This has major pedagogic implications , since students can no longer hope to make sense of poems or plays just by reading them carefully , but must spend time in libraries getting up on the historical context .
23 The fact that we must spend time in activities or surroundings which we find distasteful in support of a relationship is the cost of that relationship .
24 Whether or not attitudes changed in the next ten years , by the Act 1 & 2 Victoria cap 110 of 1837 abolished arrest by ‘ mesne process ’ by which , as seen , a debtor could spend time in prison before his case had been tried in court and judgement made on it .
25 Despite these research findings all of us do spend time in groups and a variety of processes and procedures have been developed by researchers and consultants to improve the effectiveness of decision-making in groups .
26 I do not merely spend time in Manchester — where I spend more time than anywhere else outside London and my constituency , which is my home town .
27 GPTV director David Hahn said : ‘ The average waiting time in GPs ' surgeries is 30 minutes .
28 The average waiting time in here is nearly an hour .
29 Marking time in a creative vacuum
30 The Profitboss invests time in developing and maintaining personal contact , whether it be internally with the service engineers or people from Accounts , or externally with his customers or potential customers .
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