Example sentences of "[verb] into [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I empty into my pocket at night
2 So , as the deputies gathered in Pale , the message Serb leaders tried to drum into their heads was simple : sign the plan for Serb victory .
3 But if they lay brooding , unable to feed or go underground , all their troubles would come crowding into their hearts , their fears would mount and they might very likely scatter , or even try to return to the warren .
4 She felt giddy as the full answer came , crowding into her mind .
5 Memories real as the rough bark pressing against the back of her hands came crowding into her mind .
6 " Does n't sound like there 's all that many of them , for an entire species " Graham grumbled into his glass .
7 She had looked twice that when she had limped into her cousin Mandy 's apartment in Vernon , in the Okanagan Valley , burnt out , exhausted , disillusioned and emotional .
8 Exceptions to this were found in the older family where the wife had always been active and continued to work into her 70's , and where a specialised product like cheese was being produced for farm gate sales .
9 More generally , if living things did n't work actively to prevent it , they would eventually merge into their surroundings , and cease to exist as autonomous beings .
10 It was only here that my past would merge into my future .
11 The cold seeped into her muscles and she could n't stop shaking but she would n't look up too soon and betray Ember who was good to her .
12 Sweat seeped into his eyes .
13 In addition , let us encourage colleagues to integrate machine-readable data and computer exercises into their thematic courses .
14 Then I introduced some modified Callanetic-type exercises into my programme .
15 Although a touring boat is long and difficult to turn , it has a useful steering capability designed into its shape .
16 His fist crunches into my left cheek and drives my head against the ground .
17 ‘ And you want into his knickers , ’ he added a little laugh to put Gerry at ease .
18 ‘ She 's a very careful mare , ’ said Nick , ‘ but she can gallop into her fences too .
19 His look of rage vanished and he held out his arms to her , laughing into her face .
20 I hide my face , laughing into my hands .
21 Melissa 's arched eyebrows rose into her hairline and her mouth twitched suggestively .
22 Jessica 's heart rose into her mouth .
23 The sickness rose into his throat , and he had to keep swallowing .
24 He said he was sorry for not visiting more often , sorry for not being there , for not , for not , for not , these omissions of his , these confessions , they rose into his closed mouth until it seemed that he might choke , they were jumbled up , dislocated , like old bones in a crypt , but he knew they fitted together , he knew they would form a skeleton where he could hang the flesh and muscle of his guilt .
25 It slowly rose into his throat .
26 Again and again the nightmare rose into his mind like bile into the mouth ; he threshed about in a desperate attempt to shut it out , but again and again he suffered the humiliation , the panic , the pain .
27 And then , under pressure from Walter Ash , she allowed to slip into her mind the faint , faint hope that by some quirk of reasoning her mother might be persuaded to agree .
28 So I shall have to slip into my flat by the front window .
29 Ruth Russell 's lips were compressed into their usual taut line .
30 But seen from within , they appear to be like nothing so much as a mirror-image of the Elizabethan world picture : a little world , tightly organised into its own ranks and with its own rules , as rigid in its own way as the most elaborate protocol at court or ritual in church .
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