Example sentences of "[verb] who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Picking a village which seems suitable or where someone lives who has been recommended , and talking to as many people as possible : later sending a letter to these people and others calling a meeting to form , one hopes , a WEA branch .
2 ‘ All of that , but you 're drunk and you seem to have forgotten who came here just now and hit you . ’
3 In comparing the procedures for electing party leaders in Britain and the United States , Anthony King concluded that , ‘ recent developments in the American presidential nominating system have greatly increased the probability that men will be nominated who lack relevant experience and have no evident aptitude for one of the most demanding and powerful jobs on earth ’ .
4 It should describe who commissioned the report and , if necessary , why it was required .
5 He 'd even been inside the building , and could describe who sat where .
6 For those ‘ Old Fighters ’ who had been enthusiastic Hitler supporters even before the demise of the Weimar Republic , for the direct beneficiaries of Nazism — the careerists , power-seekers , and apparatchiks who had the Third Reich to thank for their offices and careers in Party and State , and for the ideologically committed who had ‘ burnt their boats ’ with the Nazi regime , the belief in the Führer 's powers to bring about a miracle and achieve final victory in the face of all the odds was the blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future .
7 We have no holy mountain and no holy river ; though long ago before the druids , the natives saw visions in these groves but aliens have come who have no love of this land and only love possessions .
8 To conclude the story I do n't know who pegged the match but afterwards I talked to one of the locals who told me they never peg the stretch where I was .
9 I did n't know who to telephone first — my husband , to tell him the amazing news — or Sally Bulgin , editor of The Artist , to ask if she was really sure my picture was the chosen one !
10 How many people do you know who failed their first driving test ?
11 ‘ Do they know who killed him ? ’
12 I do n't know who killed him , but he had many enemies in Scotland .
13 ‘ Hell , we still do n't know who killed Trimmler .
14 Do you know who killed him ?
15 But I must know who killed my daughter .
16 By the way , do you know who killed Warnham and Calcraft ? ’
17 ‘ We do n't know who killed your brother . ’
18 Mother , father and two children , even the dog was dead , and they did n't know who killed them .
19 Although she had an unpleasant feeling that she did know who formed the current centrepiece of this particular seraglio .
20 I did n't know who to turn to and I felt really desperate .
21 ‘ Chris , I really did n't know who to turn to ; and that voice made me shiver .
22 PLEASE help , I just do n't know who to turn to .
23 Put your hand up first and then we 'll know who to listen to please .
24 Crosby in 1981 was a classic example : the voters lost a man they had known for thirty years and they did n't know who to vote for instead .
25 The answers come immediately : ‘ So we wo n't be cheated ’ ; ’ So we wo n't have to say , ‘ I do n't know how to sign my name ’ ’ ; ‘ So we can help the kids with their homework ’ ; ‘ So we 'll know who to vote for .
26 I do not know who told her that the doctors had refused to meet her and I heard nothing from her until after a first meeting when what came to be known as the Goodman Plan was presented to the government and the doctors had convened at Downing Street .
27 ‘ I do n't know who told you that .
28 If you would like to do that but do n't know who to ask , have a word with me ( I 'll come ! ) .
29 He does n't know how to wear them and he does n't know who to ask .
30 I do n't know who parks there to be honest .
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