Example sentences of "[verb] been do " in BNC.

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1 you know so erm so some er a lot more should 've been done about actually getting , even if it was just well I 'm in that area , I 'm in the area on such and such a day anyway so I can call in to see you .
2 well it she could 've been done last year but we 've not done this year , be gone .
3 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
4 I mean I did ask you about the outstanding bills and loans whereas if we 'd 've been doing the thing properly we 'd 've gone through that
5 Well I mean I do I 've been doing aerobics a long time .
6 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
7 I do n't they 've been doing anything to me yet okay .
8 An enormous amount of work has been done and perhaps still more remains to be done in arranging works of art in exact sequence of time .
9 For African art , say , the difficulties are complicated by lack of written or other corroboration , and knowledge that extensive copying has been done .
10 For unless there is the sense that nothing has been done there will be no work .
11 As though in every life , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg returned to his typing ) , if enough work has been done , enough determination shown , there is one final large summary , and that should be enough .
12 Once the planting has been done , cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark , peat or leaf mould , which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture .
13 This comment is correct if the bleaching has been done with oxalic acid .
14 At this point , all the head-work has been done .
15 If this happens , he will give you written information about what has been done , and where you can get advice or assistance .
16 By so phrasing each paragraph and bringing each incident to a proper conclusion , Nijinska gives both dancers and audience time to consider what has been done and what is yet to happen .
17 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
18 They are made to measure and supplied pre-glazed — double or triple — with all the fittings and screws in place ready for immediate , trouble-free installation ( as long as measuring up has been done carefully , and the hole for the window is square ) .
19 A literary text is , manifestly , the product of a particular historical situation , and may be interpreted in the light of its origins and initial reception , as has been done in the discussions of Romantic literature by Marilyn Butler and Jerome J. McGann , who can be called New Historicists minus the ideological charge .
20 In the Poetry Review for February , 1912 , a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest , speaks of the struggle ‘ to find out what has been done , once and for all , better than it can ever be done again , and to find out what remains for us to do ’ … .
21 The answer is : Yes , this can be done , and it has been done — by G.S .
22 We do n't feel justice has been done . ’
23 ‘ This has been done in a very formal and proper way . ’
24 Much work has been done behind the scenes to pave the way for its implementation .
25 This has been done to demonstrate that the charitable assets of the Association are being utilised within an appropriate framework that is acceptable to the Charity Commission .
26 The main problem when using crimps is you ca n't actually see whether any damage has been done to the main line when the pressure is applied to the crimp .
27 The evidence is too complex and too little work has been done .
28 farmers encouraging foxes to live on their land encourage a whole range of other wildlife that enjoys the same habitat , as has been done at Highgrove .
29 The reason behind the emphasis is an admission that not enough has been done to help the small , growing company and a belief that a key element in the failure of many growing enterprises to expand beyond a certain size is the lack of links with the right people to provide help in the major decisions faced at that stage .
30 Mr Jonathon Moyo , lecturer in political science at the University of Zimbabwe , said : ‘ The selection of delegates has been done carefully .
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