Example sentences of "[verb] been at " in BNC.

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1 James Flemyng has been at my father , complaining about dirt in the water and the noise of the saws and axes .
2 Ever since the first distant sounds of music and odd snatches of alien speech began interrupting the 1920s ' world of Morse , better ( and louder ) reproduction of audio has been at the forefront of development priorities for engineers .
3 Following Britain 's recent dispute with China over the stationing of People 's Liberation Army troops in Hong Kong after 1997 , Whitehall has been at pains to keep its distance from the immigration row .
4 White has been at the arboretum for 14 years and observes that the best autumn colour often comes after the worst summers .
5 Ever since Conran converted a struggling furniture-manufacturing business into a unique chain of retail shops called Habitat and set in motion a high-street revolution , good design has been at the core of everything he has done .
6 Laing has never felt that being a compassionate employer has been at odds with doing the right thing commercially .
7 Conviviality has been at the heart of sport .
8 I should have been very glad of your society this last year , Maureen has been at the Royal College of Music , and I have been much alone , only for the animal 's company I do n't know what I should have done and poor Mr. Papworth [ a dog ] has been so ill we had to telephone a vet up at 2 a.m. one morning it was a funny night , Jack and I in our dressing gowns in the kitchen trying to comfort Mr. Papworth .
9 Mr MacRae has been at the hotel for five years .
10 Thus , in much the same way as the Bundesbank chairman , Dr Karl Otto Poehl , has been at pains to preserve the monetary integrity of the new Europe , so the Cartel Office is disturbed about abrogating to Brussels responsibility for all mergers involving a turnover of less than $5billion .
11 He has been at the helm for six weeks .
12 He has been at the helm for six weeks .
13 Yet the fall in Poland 's output since its reforms began has been at least as severe as in eastern Germany .
14 The exam educates youngsters cheaply up to a level that is not reached in other countries until someone has been at university for a year .
15 Rifkin has been at the forefront of the struggle to make biotechnology accountable to the public since 1977 , when he invaded the stage at a conference of the National Academy of Sciences , brandishing a banner reading ‘ Do n't tread on my genes . ’
16 He has been at court , he is an educated man .
17 Frankly , it is not an outstanding record of achievement , considering there has been at least one Second Division club in the semi-finals for 30 of the 47 seasons since the last war .
18 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
19 Mr Crosby has been at the centre of that romance , reviving the club 's fortunes almost immediately after taking over from Denis Smith at Christmas and then inspiring the sort of Cup run last enjoyed by the passionate Roker supporters in the days of Bob Stokoe .
20 Since her trial a year ago , which led to a six-year jail sentence , Winnie Mandela has been at liberty on bail , pending an appeal .
21 He has been at the head of many investigations , one major case being the doping of Bravefoot and Norwich , which disfigured the 1990 St Leger meeting at Doncaster .
22 Indeed , the battle bus spirit in the last week has been at its most buoyant since Day One .
23 But Mr Patten , who has been at the Home Office as Minister of State for four years , has clearly harboured doubts about his decision to turn down that Arts job .
24 That this should continue to be so is curious , as participants in many meetings covering a wide variety of subjects will often , when pressed , agree that the interchange which has taken place outwith the meeting has been at least as useful , and generally more enjoyable , than the actual meeting itself .
25 Community care has disappointed not just because social work — or other professional time — has been at a premium , but because services have been lacking .
26 And indeed when we ponder the relationship between DNA and proteins , we see that co-operation has been at least as significant a force in evolution as has competition , and at the most fundamental level .
27 Israel has proved highly successful at achieving regional predominance in association with the United States but this has been at the price of increasing economic and military dependence on its outside patron .
28 The example of Virginia Woolf 's interior monologue has been at least as useful , in this way , as Joyce 's or Dorothy Richardson 's stream of consciousness , most immediately to Rosamond Lehmann and Elizabeth Bowen in the 1930s , as well as to later writers , women perhaps especially , such as Anita Brookner .
29 But most architects involved in liability cases feel that there has been at least some contribution to his own losses by the claimant .
30 This vast expanse of grass and heather is a cover concealing a realm of magic and mystery , where since the beginning of time nature has been at work slowly evolving an intricate subterranean labyrinth of caverns , grottoes and canals carved in beautiful designs by the agency of running water .
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