Example sentences of "[verb] by [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is dominated by either Calluna and Scirpus or Calluna and Molinia .
2 Even while the system remains capitalist it may at different phases be dominated by differently organized social and economic structures .
3 Under this system of economic production , even though a merchant class was able to find a niche for itself by providing loans and commodities for kings , princes and noble landowners , this class was largely excluded from control over the state , which was dominated by increasingly absolutist kings and their royal entourage of lords and nobles .
4 How can you prevent the discussion from becoming dominated by just one or two people ?
5 Although we might expect bedrock mineralogy to exert a pervasive control over the products of chemical weathering this is not the case , at least at the broad scale , both because the rocks and minerals exposed at the Earth 's surface are dominated by just two or three types ( Table 6.5 ) , and because prolonged weathering tends to lead to a convergence of secondary mineral types irrespective of parent material mineralogy .
6 Her whole life seemed to be dominated by just one man , so that she could concentrate on little else .
7 Bored with the formalities of mid-Victorian high society , often scornfully documented in her private diaries , she sought refuge in a form of neurasthenia and turned her hand to writing popular fiction , producing half a dozen still very readable novels which reflected her rebellious discontent with women 's role as second-class citizens in a world dominated by largely untalented men .
8 A potential danger is that the trend away from the identification and analysis of planation surfaces could go too far so that insufficient attention is accorded to these remnants in the landscapes of areas dominated by formerly extensive landsurfaces .
9 Whereas once the Stock Exchange was dominated by relatively small , lightly capitalised partnerships , the likely future is that trading will become much more concentrated in the hands of a limited number of massive financial conglomerates .
10 Most socialists , if they were interested at all , took their foreign policy from middle-class radicals , and pacifist politics continued to be dominated by essentially Cobdenite assumptions about the relationship between capitalism and peace .
11 However , Willig further demonstrates that two-part tariffs of his sort are often dominated by more complex schedules in which the largest purchaser pays a marginal price equal to marginal cost .
12 Industries dominated by very few giant firms may be ferociously competitive ; these few firms may invest at very high rates , as in Japan .
13 Once again this attitude to the natural environment was essentially pragmatic ; farming involves replacing complex , natural biological communities with simplified , artificial systems dominated by only a handful of species .
14 In September , the Americans approved a Military Assistance Programme to build up European armed forces , but the explosion of a Soviet atomic bomb at the same time highlighted European vulnerability in a world increasingly dominated by only two superpowers .
15 So far it is dominated by Far East suppliers , including Sanken , Panasonic and TDK .
16 In an industry dominated by much larger producers who were able to benefit from economies of scale , the government therefore concluded that the sale to Ford was preferable to continued state subsidy and/or ever closer links with Honda .
17 The established mucosal lesion in ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease is dominated by terminally differentiated B cells appearing as plasma cells and blasts .
18 They will never replace the PCs completely , after all straight text processing is a little too trivial for a Macintosh , but they are starting to appear in other areas dominated by specially adapted , and very expensive PC systems .
19 In a population that has already come to be dominated by Always Defect , no other strategy does better .
20 The story of the growth of community care and the closure of the asylums has been dominated by unseemly public disputes between different professional and voluntary organizations , all of them committed to developing mental health services but with very different ideas about the routes to be followed .
21 Only 13% of antral tumours were surrounded by histologically normal mucosa compared with over 50% of tumours in the cardia .
22 ( Models are often photographed surrounded by nearly naked Masai warriors . )
23 She caught a glimpse of a camera-tripod , and lamps in huge reflectors , surrounded by yet more boxes and bales .
24 Although the Lis live surrounded by neatly cultivated wheat-fields , they are no longer farmers .
25 yeah well um I do n't know , maybe she grew up when there were y'know smoking was surrounded by rather different attitudes .
26 The building sits beside a river and is surrounded by carefully landscaped lawns — a far cry from the old office above the Uxbridge JS , only a mile down the road .
27 We were in Mrs Mackintosh 's Tea Roomes , just off West Nile Street , surrounded by straightly pendulous light fitments , graph-paper pierced wooden screens , and ladder-back seats which turned my usual procedure of hanging my coat or jacket on the rear of the seat into an operation that resembled hoisting a flag up a tall mast .
28 This is not only the temperament of the teacher : it represents also , with Pound , a passionate desire , not merely to write well himself , but to live in a period in which he could be surrounded by equally intelligent and creative minds .
29 the summit and contains a pump outlet surrounded by well washed pebbles or cobbles .
30 This fairyland castle was built by King Ludwig II on top of a small mountain peak surrounded by even bigger mountains , verdant forests and ice blue lakes .
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