Example sentences of "[verb] by [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Geared to local economic needs , dominated by businessmen rather than bureaucrats and financed by a mixture of public and private money , TECs originally promised a genuine break with the Whitehall-dominated past : a chance , at last , to give high-quality training the priority so often denied it for decades .
2 Members of the Policy Unit were drawn from a much broader pool and were dominated by businessmen and academics .
3 Whenever a church leadership is dominated by freemasons , I find a dead tradition and lifeless ritual .
4 ‘ It is not dominated by emotions .
5 She takes a hard look at the way women present their bodies , their image and how this is dominated by notions of contemporary beauty .
6 If , further , he feels that the free market policies and values embraced by Mrs Thatcher have done much to create a divided nation , dominated by Pharisees , he should feel free to offer his opinion .
7 The employment White Paper was published under a coalition dominated by Conservatives and Labour , but it was not the result of discussion within each party , and although leading politicians on both sides endorsed its policy it would be wrong to say that it reflected the considered view of either party .
8 This was another remarkable achievement since she was only the second woman solicitor to become a Recorder , a position totally dominated by barristers and by men .
9 This is not a party dominated by technocrats who have fearlessly built great industries , but ‘ Increasingly politicians without a great deal of first-hand experience of the world outside politics are running the country , including the economy , in conjunction with civil servants who similarly lack first-hand experience of the world outside politics , ’ Anthony King noted as long ago as 1981 .
10 The now voluminous literature on modernism and postmodernism has been dominated by philosophers and modern language theorists and historians of architecture .
11 Barro ( 1977a , fn.9 ) acknowledges this criticism but argues that the principal movements in FEDV , which are dominated by changes in wartime activity , would be known to agents in advance .
12 The later stages of evolution are dominated by changes in the pattern of fluctuation with respect to time — from the very regular periodicity considered above towards the irregular fluctuations characteristic of turbulence .
13 And in the past pop has been dominated by groups and men singers , ’ protested Kylie .
14 Once again , the bureaucratic-administrative character of German government explains this : both party and Bundestag committees tend to be dominated by experts .
15 The British top 20 is dominated by sportsmen and entertainers .
16 The turbulent and volatile consumer market is dominated by games , few of which embody any real information content .
17 Neither are intended to be dominated by games .
18 ( c ) Tile volume trap , in which markets for commodity type products ( like plant-baked bread ) may become dominated by suppliers capable of volume production and distribution to retail multiple chains bulk-buying on a centralised basis .
19 Suddenly , she felt the need to confide , to be able to tell some other person that when she was not actually working , her mind and heart were dominated by thoughts of Harry .
20 Its accounts of anorexia , for instance , are dominated by descriptions of how dominant discourses of femininity link a narrowly defined physical attractiveness to female sexuality and success .
21 The MRC contained radical SR members but was dominated by Bolsheviks and it was through it that the October uprising was planned .
22 If Ediacaran assemblages are dominated by coelenterates , the ensuing Cambrian radiations are largely the irruption of triploblastic phyla .
23 The lion 's share of travel in Europe is dominated by Europeans .
24 Although the primary purpose of the meeting was to initiate a follow-up conference on the future role of the CSCE , the meeting was dominated by discussions on the resolution of the conflict in Nagorny-Karabakh [ see pp. 38827-28 ] .
25 Editor , — Headlines reports a study noting that the work of police surgeons in inner London is dominated by calls associated with intoxication and arguing that there is a need for a standardised approach to the assessment of a suspect 's fitness to be interviewed .
26 Both meetings had been dominated by calls from LDC representatives who urged that countries in the LDC category be given special treatment , including the writing-off of all outstanding debt [ for inclusion of Namibia in the list of LDCs see p. 38263 ] .
27 Up to 3,000 students at Bucharest Polytechnic , as well as demanding sweeping changes in education policy , expressed concern that the NSF was dominated by communists who were trying to ensure that they stayed in power by scheduling the elections so that the emerging political parties would have little time to organize .
28 Fortunately the Christian church is not dominated by theologians , but by the praying faithful , and the Divine Drama , although suffering numerous attacks and emendations , has lived on in popular spirituality and liturgy .
29 It would be far more useful to Africa to have a smaller amount of total aid on this basis , than to retain the present system where thinking and strategy is dominated by donors , to the extent that national governments have almost lost control over public initiatives in their own countries .
30 Ultraviolet astronomy has so far been dominated by satellites that collect spectra of stars and quasars .
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