Example sentences of "[verb] at in " in BNC.

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1 As you hint at in your letter , the musical ‘ anoraks ’ are often of the ‘ would n't know it if they heard it ’ variety anyway , and hate the thought of anyone having an intuition , or a touch or a sense of hearing which they themselves could never muster .
2 In order to make some local comparisons with Nikol'skaia , ties between the fifty-nine party cells and the people in Poltava guberniia will be looked at in passing .
3 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
4 Power has also to be looked at in the light of engine capacity and tractor weight .
5 Some of these comments related to two very important aspects of the Board 's work and deserved to be looked at in a little more detail .
6 The issues must , however , be looked at in a broader context .
7 Recently the life habits of the giants have been looked at in a way that disproves most of these traditional notions .
8 When they were looked at in more detail it was found that the colonies grew from one single tube ( sicula ) which is often facing in a different direction from the tubes inhabited by the rest of the colony ( see below ) .
9 Barth was deeply impressed by Anselm 's so-called ‘ Ontological Argument ’ for the existence of God — this argument will be looked at in more detail later — but he interpreted it in a particular way .
10 Remember that afterwards you may be making an offer , so a more careful visual inspection must be made at this stage , and the matters only briefly considered on your first visit should be looked at in more depth now .
11 The first point was conceded by Angela Rumbold ( 1989 ) when she emphasised that performance indicators must be interpreted in context rather than looked at in isolation .
12 Looked at in this way theory then becomes the ordering of facts and findings in a meaningful way and this ordering and building up is of the very essence of scientific enquiry , since without ordering facts and without putting them into some systematic framework there can be no generalizations and no predictions .
13 Looked at in this way one sees empirical observations , facts , research studies , and so on , as contributions to this kitty and the bigger the kitty , the greater the development of the subject itself .
14 Localized variations in voting patterns may reflect changing forms of political alignment and voting behaviour ( see Johnston , Pattie and Allsopp ( 1988 ) for a review ) , and electoral politics will be looked at in the next chapter , but here I shall consider the notion of political culture more widely .
15 The American meteorological craft can not be looked at in isolation : they depend not only on Earth stations but also on processing equipment on the ground that makes sense of the data that the craft provide .
16 This evidence , which will be looked at in the next section , is an indication that a direct link between allergy and mental problems is not impossible .
17 Looked at in this way , terrestrial zodiacs can have a role regardless of whether they are considered objectively ‘ real ’ or not .
18 Some further resources ( or facilities ) that are available for libraries to utilize other than those discussed in this chapter , are looked at in Chapter 5 , but one resource that is fundamental to an effective training programme i.e. effective use of resources allocated — and one that is available to all libraries — is a positive training ‘ climate ’ .
19 ‘ With the speed of integration of JAA and the Single European Market this issue can not be looked at in isolation from the overall harmonisation requirements which will influence the CAA 's regulatory system .
20 Each covenant is looked at in the light of the people , the business or the profession and all the circumstances involved .
21 He has experimented successfully himself with low price hardbacks , but stresses that price can not be looked at in isolation .
22 The EAT said that where there were sound business reasons for reorganisation , then the question of reasonableness had to be looked at in the context of a reorganisation and not solely in the context of the offer of new terms and conditions .
23 Looked at in the abstract it would , of course , have been quite unreasonable to have imposed new terms such as these on employees .
24 However , I think it can be looked at in another , much simpler way .
25 Looked at in this light , and with conservation so constantly impressed upon us , I really ca n't see that the idea could be so shocking .
26 A meeting of university presidents was taking place in Beijing , prompted by student unrest in June ( which will be looked at in the next chapter ) , and they were considering the effects that ‘ Heshang ’ might have .
27 The types of courses available are looked at in detail in chapter 4 .
28 The reasonable conclusion is that one and the same thing is ‘ called a sensation when considered merely in itself , and a quality when looked at in relation to any one of the numerous objects , the presence of which to our organs excites in our minds that among various other sensations or feelings .
29 This helps to reinforce the meaning of the structures students are learning , and ensures that form is rarely looked at in isolation .
30 These issues will be looked at in more detail below .
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