Example sentences of "[verb] at night " in BNC.

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1 How anyone can tax ill people and sleep at night is beyond me .
2 Well over half of those killed are young children or elderly people who are overcome by smoke and fumes while they sleep at night — people whose chances of survival would be drastically improved if only they were able to reach safety in time .
3 If this is how bands who openly admit to being influenced by The Clash sound today , poor old Strummer and Jones ca n't be getting much sleep at night .
4 If this is how bands who openly admit to being influenced by The Clash sound today , poor old Strummer and Jones ca n't be getting much sleep at night .
5 ‘ I really do n't know how these people sleep at night .
6 I can only compose at night , so that I ca n't get up early as well ; besides , one is not always in the mood for working .
7 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
8 Or , if they fly at night , they use the stars as a guide , just like ancient sailors used to do .
9 Gervase of Tilbury , writing about 1214 , has stories of people who fly at night , of witches who enter houses and have intercourse with sleeping men , who steal infants , and who take the form of animals , especially cats and wolves , at will .
10 Bagging experiments in Panama on Luehea seemanii ( Tiliaceae ) , which has ! lowers opening at night , suggestive of a nocturnal pollination syndrome , showed that diurnal visits by bees were responsible for higher numbers of fruits and seeds set .
11 Lepidoptera are frequent understorey pollinators as we have seen , butterflies by day and moths at night , e.g. within the family Chrysobalanaceae in Amazonia , butterflies visit Hirtella spp. ( flowers opening in the day , many with a showy appearance , usually pink or purple , stamens few ) whereas the related Couepia spp. are moth-pollinated ( flowers opening at night , few at a time , white , stamens numerous and more copious nectar ) .
12 But I had learnt to understand how he felt from small things , mere comments he let slip , and from the tender power he demonstrated at night .
13 Sleep can be defined as a period of reduced consciousness usually occurring at night , during which most body functions are slow or inactive .
14 In September 1976 a 59 year old man was admitted to a local hospital for evaluation of intermittent complaints of retrosternal pain related to the ingestion of food , but sometimes also occurring at night .
15 For your £3 entrance fee , you were invited into a dingey outer bar , packed to capacity with strange anarcho-punk types who only appear at night .
16 He was received by old Mrs Ferrar and Nicholas , to whom he spoke frankly of how he had heard of ‘ their watching and praying at night , of their altar richly decked with plate , tapestry and tapers , of their adoration and genuflections on entering therein , which might savour of superstition and popery ’ .
17 In 1940 , the school was badly damaged by fire — not by enemy action , but ( it seems ) by the carelessness of fire-watchers installed at night to forestall such action .
18 The grapes are harvested at night and processed within 15 minutes , enhancing the preservation of fruit flavours .
19 He snorted through his nose instead of laughing , and emitted a curious whistling sound , reminding her of his snoring at night , which made the whole room vibrate and set ornaments rattling .
20 When the temperature drops at night the water vapour is not reabsorbed by the ship .
21 We have never paddled at night and are a little apprehensive but soon learn what we have been missing .
22 " It must have come at night , " said Bigwig .
23 Both spiders hunt at night , and the sounds of the insects ' wingbeats are their only guide to the position of their prey .
24 They hunt at night , and can not use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles .
25 Gallivanting at night — really .
26 Occasionally I spent a day in London , always returning at night to keep my mother company .
27 On returning at night , with his dog , who was usually at his heels , he again stopped at Aylesford , and as is too frequently the case upon such occasions , he drank immoderately , and left the place in a state of intoxication .
28 He seemed to have cracked bones complaining all over his body , and when they stopped at night he ate , stayed by Madra for a while , and usually fell asleep beside her .
29 The toilet was er at the back of what we used to call the brew house it was n't a kitchen it was a brew house , and er the , the toilet was at the back of the brew house adjacent to the old ash pit , which was an ash pit in those days it was filled up and when it was filled , they used to come at night and empty the ash pit wheel up the entry it might be there for three or four months and you got flies , bluebottles all sorts in the hot weather you know , I could n't try my shoes on sometimes , but er it was a bit , well I suppose in those days they used to take it for granted , it was a bit primitive it was n't the best five houses in the area , but er
30 Since a python 's skin begins to deteriorate in quality once it has grown to about fifteen feet the largest are left alone , which is just as well as each one must be caught at night , alive and by hand , with a lamp to attract them from their lairs , and at least four men to get them into the sack afterwards .
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