Example sentences of "[verb] with [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However the wording of the Act refers to the person the child lives with rather than any third party regarded as rejecting the opportunity to see the child .
2 In contrast , the local circumstances are such that for Parkinson the Merseyside experience is one that he may disapprove of in principle but lives with far more readily in practice .
3 Not so long ago , a haulage company would send its drivers out into the world with few opportunities to communicate with then until they returned .
4 Only one of Benjamin James 's children would prove more than usually difficult to communicate with as time went by : young Marwood James Henry , a strangely elusive character in many ways .
5 In this study , the hepatic bile was possibly mixed with newly secreted bile , as time was required to collect the necessary volume .
6 While the latter seems the most likely cause in many blends where specific interactions have been identified , miscible blends can also be obtained when certain statistical copolymers are mixed with either a homopolymer , or another copolymer , in which no such interactions have been located .
7 A complete feeling of misery swept over Robyn , mixed with just a hint of panic , as she really began to despair that she had read her own instructions correctly and would never reach the barn or even civilisation again .
8 A grated 2.5cm ( 1″ ) cube of Edam or low-fat hard cheese mixed with Dijon mustard , 1 tablespoon plain , virtually fat-free yoghurt and black pepper ; or grated raw white cabbage , carrot and celery , 1 chopped pineapple ring , 1 tablespoon peanuts and raisins mixed with 1 tablespoon plain virtually fat-free fromage frias ; or very low-fat cottage cheese mixed with finely grated carrot , 1 tablespoon raisins , a dash of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion ; or bread spread thinly with peanut butter topped with chopped or grated apple and sprinkled with lemon juice .
9 Infant formula was not only expensive and inferior to breastmilk but was downright dangerous when fed to babies unsterilized and mixed with inevitably polluted water .
10 Mixed with exquisitely luxurious leather and walnut interior is enough raw performance and driving reward to take your breath away
11 Last year Lord Petre planted out about ten thousand Americans which , being at the same time mixed with about twenty thousand Europeans , and some Asians , make a very beautiful appearance , great art and skill being shown in consulting everyone 's particular growth and the well blending of the greens …
12 The enormous ridged tomatoes were cored with a little sharp knife , cut round roughly into sections , thrown into a shallow bowl , mixed with thickly sliced raw onions , mild and very sweet .
13 Three sardines tinned in tomato sauce , mashed , plus tomato slices ; or mashed tuna mixed with chopped green pepper and chopped cucumber , on a bed of shredded lettuce ; or cooked , skinned and mashed mackerel , mixed with very low-fat soft cheese , lemon juice and black pepper .
14 For reconstitution of holoenzymes , the reconstituted core enzymes were mixed with four-fold molar excess of σ 70 subunit .
15 The way to a man 's mathematical heart is to get him ( and her ! ) grappling with characteristically mathematical problems and enjoying the experience .
16 Essentially the amplifier is a boosted op.amp designed with both the op.amp and output stage biased into class-A .
17 These may be large- or small-scale databases designed with very specific educational aims , to cater for a particular topic or part of a course , or for more general use in the school library .
18 As the sports car is likely to be designed with relatively better braking and steering to control this momentum and hence the danger inherent in it when it is moving , this difference in ‘ inherent dangerousness ’ is probably considerably greater .
19 Both can be designed with much larger zones .
20 If towing is permitted with only a wing-tip man , it is vital that the pilots all recognise that this is only safe if the ground is more or less level and the wind is very light .
21 Chub to 4 lb at Ross and matches won with over 20 lb of dace at Symonds Yat .
22 Open match won with less than 2 lb .
23 The founder was a man who had become interested in aviation during the thirties , spent the war in the South African Air Force and , on returning to civilian life , foresaw the opportunities that could be won with cheaply acquired and converted military aircraft .
24 Then she 'd become just another notch on his bedpost — another victory , albeit not won with quite his usual ease .
25 The NLM candidate won with almost 70 per cent of the vote .
26 As he drew closer , walking with almost a swagger , George noted the way the sun glinted on a head of coppery curls .
27 She felt towards her religion as she imagined some women felt towards their dreary , loveless marriages : something trying , but inescapable ; cluttered with apparently futile chores , yet from which there was no question of escaping .
28 He speaks directly to us in the first person and he expresses something very like fear and even self-pity , the distress of the poet , seeing himself as a kind of natural victim , and it may be the distress of the puritan living on after the Restoration and afraid of the wild route , which is Charles the Second 's court , though I think we can be a little sceptical of this and we certainly do n't know with sufficiently accuracy when Paradise Lost was written .
29 If the House gave no such indication until it actual threw a Bill out , or voted down the government on some other major issue , governments would fall with much greater regularity .
30 The latest album , ‘ Empire ’ , dominates early on , ‘ Resistance ’ opening with savagely directed power .
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