Example sentences of "[verb] like [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So , perhaps it was her or and er tend to like her but but I think he , what he says he means .
2 native girls and then Paddy goes to like what do yous have for like alcohol over here ?
3 Even so , she had to pretend to like it , particularly because it had been given to her by her father .
4 The more I grew up , the more I got to like her .
5 When she realized I was a good thief and knew how to use a knife , she got to like me .
6 I was bitterly ashamed of what I was doing , or letting people do to me , but also of course I got to like it , and even crave it , in a manner of speaking .
7 It was quite away from the area I 'd been brought up in , but I got to like it and make friends , and I got more independent .
8 No , she bloody ought to after the first couple of dozen times , but anyway , when they come back and we got back at night and we started playing them and putting things on er you know they got to like it
9 I suppose you do n't need to like us old people , ’ and entered into detailed descriptions of the state of their bladders and allied organs , and operations ; and then the jokes and the guffaws and laughter and the pokings and teasing turned to sexual matters , and Philippa felt ashamed for them , these shrivelled old dames , with dazzling movable white teeth , among them some whom surgery permitted to continue without wombs , without breasts , so gloating on the idea of dicks and holes and hairy entrances and moist lips , and cheeks and cracks , and their skinny stiff twisted hands , the thought of them pawing and patting revolted her , but of course they wanted to touch her , her shining hair , her firm face , her lovely arms .
10 Tod is popular ; the guys appear to like him fine .
11 He had always disliked me , although he pretended to like me , but now he began to suspect his wife of visiting me privately , and he became jealous .
12 Deceiving him gave her a fierce pleasure and , as they strolled along by the waterline , with Ben splashing beside them through the shallows , she kept her hatred burning red-hot with a litany of her grievances , chanted over and over inside her head : ‘ He only pretended to like you ; he could n't care less about you ; he thinks you 're thick .
13 All right , nine was a little young for her first sexual encounter , but now she 's come to like it she 's become such a friendly child .
14 I suppose I felt sorry for him ; I tried to like him .
15 The historian and jurist Boris Chicherin , who was predisposed to like him , believed that Alexander had been denied " an upbringing capable of providing him with guidelines in the precarious circumstances in which he found himself " .
16 As well as you liking the food , the food has to like you .
17 They want to like you — because they like me .
18 How would you answer the allegation that that is unduly restrictive , bearing in mind the sort of factors which Professor Lock referred to like us all needing and liking more space ?
19 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
20 ‘ I 've heard of men buying their wives jewellery , cars , houses even — but a hotel , just because she happens to like it ? ’
21 Numbers of people seemed to like her .
22 No one in Coniston talked about crazy Demdykes ; and her cousins , Robin and Jenny , seemed to like her and want to be friends .
23 Alix spent three months working as an au pair girl — working very hard , for no pay — in a suburb of Paris , bored out of her mind most of the time , but strangely , surprisingly consoled by the youngest member of the large family , a baby , which , unlike its larger siblings , seemed to like her .
24 Jannie really seemed to like her , in her oblique , distracted way .
25 Madeleine seemed to like him as he was , so why should he worry about something that was n't important any more ?
26 Roland liked Fergus because Fergus seemed to like him .
27 Quite apart from the problem that Evelyn seemed to like him .
28 ‘ And yet you seemed to like him . ’
29 Anthony had written that Julia seemed to like him , and so perhaps she could keep him out of their way .
30 My first boyfriend seemed to like me , specs and all .
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