Example sentences of "[verb] into [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If allowed to remain this waste matter will eventually get trapped into pockets by fibres deep in your skin leading to the familiar spongy , dimpled skin texture known as cellulite .
2 It is important to be open and not be trapped into promises which will have to be broken later .
3 No doubt voices will be raised in support of such measures , but I must urge the Secretary of State not to be hustled into steps that can only aggravate the situation .
4 fresh or dried leaf , in a sauce or jelly to accompany roast meats , and rubbed on to meat before grilling or roasting ; with salads , mixed into cheeses , in summer drinks , as part of bouquet garni , and mixed herbs , in chutney
5 I 've changed the mental image of the cancer from the multi-headed dragon to football-sized balloons full of water — unfortunately there are millions of them , all over , some clustered into piles beneath the lumps on my body .
6 Frighteningly , the whole fabric of her being was distorted into shades of midnight and lightnings of pain sheathed every nerve in her body .
7 On both sides , however , these views may merge into others which are more starkly contrasted : the idea of a reformist path to socialism may be transformed into a total preoccupation with reforming the existing society and a virtual renunciation of socialism as the ultimate goal ; the revolutionary approach may develop into a rejection of every kind of struggle for reforms as being positively inimical to the growth of a revolutionary class consciousness , the adoption of a politique du pire and the expectation of a catastrophic breakdown of capitalism from which a band of dedicated revolutionaries will lead the masses into socialism .
8 The linguist interested in delimiting the scope of an overall linguistic theory may be concerned that the description of social deixis will simply merge into sociolinguistics , and on this ground wish to exclude consideration of social deixis from formal descriptions of language altogether .
9 Inevitably , television 's influence seeped into movies .
10 He lifted his head , but still without looking at me ; his huge hands were clenched into fists .
11 She advanced on Maybelle , her hands clenched into fists , as she had advanced on her little brothers , sometimes seriously , sometimes in play .
12 He walked away , his whole body rigid with tension , his hands clenched into fists , his face like a mask .
13 Paul took a threatening step forward , then paused , his big hands clenched into fists of rage .
14 His hands clenched into fists .
15 It was greeted emotionally in the capital , Sofia , where a 150-strong rally of human rights activists in a rainy park erupted into cheers .
16 ‘ Oh come on in and shut the bloody door , ’ said the landlord and the bar erupted into gales of laughter .
17 As with any other graphics card , the drivers for the NT must be installed into Windows , which is done from the Windows Setup program .
18 So , it is far safer for the child in your car if , even though the law does not require it , rear seat belts or restraints are specially installed into cars where they have not been automatically fitted from new .
19 His ‘ Caesar ’ hair-cut was brilliantined into kiss-curls framing a face that had nasty carved all over it , and rumour had it that people who crossed him were never seen again .
20 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
21 These expansions are compressed into booms , followed by slumps , over the fifty-year cycles because innovations are bunched into compressed periods .
22 When the soil expands again in spring the contents of the cracks are compressed into wedges .
23 Abrasive pads : These are random nylon fibres coated with adhesive to which abrasive particles are bonded with the whole being compressed into sheets and cut to size .
24 Certainly , that expansion could never have occurred in a society organised into villages of co-operation ; nor would industries run by trade unions as workers ’ co-operatives and organised nationally have provided a basis for it , for the accumulation of capital with which to finance the crucial , secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution : that is , the establishment of a capital goods sector of the economy .
25 They recognise that not all interests in society are organised into groups and in order to explain this state of affairs they see it as important to consider two phenomena that tend to be ignored by pluralists .
26 Just as modern armies are organised into companies , battalions , regiments , brigades and divisions , so the Roman Army was organised into centuries , cohorts and legions .
27 Administratively , the Auvergne constitutes one of France 's 22 planning Regions ; it is divided into 4 Departments ( Allier , Cantal , Haute-Loire and Puy-de-Dome ) which are organised into Cantons and ultimately consist of a total of 1,308 Communes .
28 And it is just as horrifying an idea to contemplate being walled into such a Paradise Garden as being condemned to spend eternity playing games with balloons which never burst , receiving presents from Santa without wondering how they were paid for , being organised into teams with leaders chosen arbitrarily from among us , or eating a permanent celestial buffet of ice cream and salmon sandwiches .
29 Just as modern armies are organised into companies , battalions , regiments , brigades and divisions , so the Roman Army was organised into centuries , cohorts and legions .
30 Our knowledge of the world is organised into subjects which form a hierarchy , graded by the degree of complexity of the systems which they treat as basic .
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