Example sentences of "[verb] up in " in BNC.

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1 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
2 But Hans , tell me , have you been mixed up in any rackets ? ’
3 You 've not got mixed up in any fiddles ? ’
4 The British Empire and the United States will have to be somewhat mixed up in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage .
5 If Joshua 6 represents God as mixed up in humanity 's games of power and violence in a way that is denied by the Crucified God of the Gospels , 1 Samuel 4–6 , in both its tragedy and its comedy , would declare his refusal to play along with us on our terms , and his insistence on doing his own thing .
6 The Russians courteously declined , saying they could n't get mixed up in an issue that did n't concern them .
7 We were n't going to get mixed up in a job , when we were going home off duty .
8 I 'm a farmer — and if I do happen to be mixed up in other people ’ s extraordinary affairs , it 's no fault of mine .
9 After all , it had n't really been her fault that she became mixed up in Jack 's business affairs .
10 She could n't believe that anyone as nice as Angelica could have been mixed up in an insurance swindle .
11 Angelica had just mentioned that Steve was mixed up in an insurance swindle , and she was afraid that was why he had missed the train .
12 So my profession , which has always been mixed up in politics , becomes an essential component of nationalism .
13 I can understand how my friends got mixed up in all that .
14 ‘ Why did n't you call the police instead of getting mixed up in such an event ? ’ one of the governors asked .
15 Aggie lifted her head and looked at Ben , saying , ‘ Reading between the lines , the husband of this friend , whoever she was , was n't going to allow his wife to get mixed up in something .
16 Neither of them could afford to get mixed up in something that might involve the police .
17 The unit can include as many net-armed and as many club-armed Night Goblins as you wish , and they can be mixed up in the ranks as you please .
18 Once a cheerleader at the University of Texas , she looks like an innocent suburban housewife unknowingly mixed up in the rough-and-tumble world of Texas politics .
19 One retired to Beirut after going bankrupt , one got mixed up in a betting scandal , and the third was convicted of tax-dodging .
20 ‘ What was he mixed up in ? ’
21 In the main , they both consisted of boys and young men who were rather more reluctant to join in the ritual chanting and singing and were even less keen to get mixed up in the aggro .
22 Kress would n't be mixed up in — a trick like this . ’
23 Were you mixed up in that party ? ’
24 ‘ So your next natural thought was that the only short fat man who could be mixed up in this shooting was me ?
25 ‘ All Bonanza has to do now is stay out of sight until a good tale is dreamed up to account for two of his boys getting mixed up in this thing last night , and a few unimpeachable witnesses to make the tale stick , and we all go back where we started . ’
26 It has its new smell still — the perfect red plastic smell , the smell of writing numbers in arithmetic books ruled in squares ; the smell it had before it got mixed up in the dust and plasticine and tangled electric flex in the toy drawer .
27 ‘ Con does n't want to get mixed up in anything , ’ explained Camille .
28 Just do n't you go getting mixed up in it , that 's all . ’
29 ‘ Someone told us she 'd got hold of the name of some MP who 's mixed up in child porn .
30 I might have known that Dr. Lorrimer would be mixed up in it .
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