Example sentences of "[verb] she away " in BNC.

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1 Do you live in hope that your fortune might tempt her away from her rightful husband ? ’
2 Send her away , Shelley .
3 Send her away now .
4 Elvis had then travelled forwards in time , locating each potential mother of the Anti-Christ and wooed her away from the Satanic father to be .
5 Then his thumb moved to her lips and scored them brutally and then he jerked her away from him .
6 She talked with him for nearly ten minutes , and as the officers drew her away , Walford snatched her hand and kissed it , ‘ some tears for the first time rolling down his cheeks ’ .
7 She began to weep , hiding her head on the black , oily trouser-legs until the young physician came and once more drew her away .
8 She wanted to put an arm around her and steer her away .
9 It was almost as if someone were keeping her away from trouble .
10 There was a reasonable case to be made out for keeping her away from Nice .
11 And that fellow of Benedetta 's who helped her away to Shrewsbury when the Welsh took the town ?
12 ‘ I 'll go and peel her away from — ’
13 But to the mother who used to hide her away , Katya is already a hundred per cent better .
14 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
15 Demons broke their way into the locked church , where priests were incanting psalms round her body and the Devil called her up from her coffin and bore her away .
16 ‘ Jay , you 're drunk , ’ said Lucy , laughing and pushing her away , but gently .
17 The boat was drifting into the current , the long poles dipping in the dark water and pushing her away .
18 She brought her knee up between his legs and he gasped and doubled over , pushing her away from him .
19 For just when Gabriel thought he was rid of the devil-man , he saw them arguing at a distance , father and daughter ; Izzie pointing back towards the cart , Lucie shaking his head ; Izzie tugging on his arm , pleading , and her father pushing her away .
20 In a flash he was pushing her away from the path they were making and into the cover of the undergrowth .
21 While the bawds are deciding to have her forcibly raped she says little , but when Boult wants to lead her away she again rises to verse , her secret weapon , and appeals to his better sentiments .
22 And without explaining that enigmatic remark further , she allowed the soldiers to lead her away .
23 Whatever had happened in the past , this was not the time to be aloof , Ashley thought , as she allowed him to lead her away .
24 He said she had become like a stone and tempted him to treat her as one and hurl her away .
25 ‘ I mean , my dear Shiona , that I must have your absolute assurance that you do n't intend trying to spirit her away again . ’
26 ‘ Lachlan Cattanach , ’ Farquhar said sternly one day , ‘ will you for God 's sake be either forgetting the lass , or letting me carry her away up the hill for you ?
27 She raked round their rubbish heaps at night ; she stole from them — peats from the stacks outside their huts , oats gleaned at night from the fields where they drove her away by day , once a half-grown lamb with a broken leg , that she killed with her knife and carried furtively back to the hut , praying they 'd think an eagle or fox had taken it .
28 When Daniel saw his wife coming towards the cubicle to offer comfort where he could n't he flailed his arms and drove her away , leaving Mrs Marriott to cry on , not even telling himself it was good for her to cry , since how could he know , how could he imagine ?
29 The legend says that he " drove her away from him menacingly " and took to his heels in flight from any possible prevention of his purposes by friends and family .
30 ‘ You could send her away to a school . ’
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