Example sentences of "[verb] by this " in BNC.

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1 Ruth hated the way Anna let herself be dominated by this selfish boy .
2 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
3 Thursday morning 's newspapers were dominated by this news , accompanied by that of the victory of an independent ( i.e. anti-Coalition ) Conservative candidate in a by-election at Newport .
4 The first three chapters of I Corinthians are dominated by this problem .
5 Las Vegas , famed for its gambling , outlandish hotels and casinos , is dominated by this annual event , with exhibitions , conferences , seminars and product launches taking place in most of the major hotels .
6 He was tired of wrestling with it , brooding about it , sometimes looking at his bride 's back with violent puzzlement ; but now , surrounded by this covert attention , he was glad to let it go : he would take tea like a lord with his family .
7 ‘ If he really had a divine mission , ran the objection , he would not be surrounded by this rag-tag band , but by the best and the brightest . …
8 She was surrounded by this golden aura which stopped men going any further , whether they would have liked to or not , it never happened .
9 The quiet man with the violin , who goes home to play trios with his quiet and loving wife and his quiet and loving daughter , in his quiet and well-loved house along that quiet and rural lane , with London lying quiet at his feet — and even surrounded by this best of lives he 's plainly a depressive !
10 The bleak prospect disclosed by this view of present and potential conflict situations is not relieved by the existence of any significant social movement which is clearly capable of diminishing the appeal of nationalism , or substituting a new and persuasive political ideal for that of the nation state .
11 The detainee making a request ‘ must be permitted to consult a solicitor as soon as is practicable except to the extent that delay is permitted by this section ’ .
12 By looking at the kinship terms of a society one could therefore know by this means what had been the previous kinship system , practised in the past by the people concerned .
13 As some of you will know by this time , the Centre provides custom-build courses , day schools , residential schools and other projects , for thousands of adult students in this region — mainly at locations scattered throughout the area , towns and villages of Sussex , but some here on the campus — and by so doing it tries to provide a strong functional link that helps to keep the university in touch with the community .
14 My preconceptions about the Cairngorms being dull were shattered by this splendid ridge .
15 The native troops were shattered by this , but many Dutchmen and some natives fought on , others joined the increasing numbers of hostile bands roaming the country .
16 I was shattered by this news .
17 Unfortunately , the method for coding the various style variations within a font family mean that only 255 unique fonts can be encoded by this system .
18 We have not addressed whether the protein that recognises this DNA element will also recognise RNA nor have we addressed whether any mRNA molecules are encoded by this region of the PPT promoter .
19 The actual return earned by this sector in the previous 12 months was 31 per cent .
20 It is interesting to note that an objective reality is presupposed by this thesis — there is a real existence of an individual that is material and is separated from the ideological consciousness of the individual by an ‘ imaginary ’ relationship .
21 Attracted by this , Barry applied to enter the film industry as an Assistant Director , only to be told this was impossible due to the closed shop enforced by the cinema union , ACCT .
22 Perhaps Webern was aiming at just such a lack of definition , and certainly many composers have been attracted by this very quality , as well as by his intellectualism , over the last thirty years .
23 She was attracted by this place , and here was her opportunity of remaining .
24 ‘ It wo n't be pleasant , ’ Jenna muttered , embarrassed by this conspiracy .
25 Any savings accrued by this system could be used to reduce the severity of the means testing , thus reducing the way small savers are currently penalised .
26 Trade union representatives saw themselves as being accountable either to their respective trade union or to the regional TUC ( the nominating body ) , although virtually no employers ' representatives saw themselves as being accountable to regional or national CBI and many were unaware they had been nominated by this body .
27 ‘ Winston Churchill — remembered by all those who lost their relations and friends in the holocaust of the Dardanelles , so assiduously organised by this imitation strategist … .
28 The safari trip , estimated to have cost three thousand pounds , was organised by this outdoor activities centre in Wales where the youth was staying .
29 Many Surrey Teachers were very busy for months ahead in preparation for the 1983 Crystal Palace Rally , organised by this area , and this time the programme included an item performed by a Surrey team devised and produced by Vanessa Forbes and Delia Beaver .
30 But on his first proper encounter with Tolkien — at a meeting with English Faculty colleagues at Merton College in May 1926 — he could not help being charmed by this ‘ smooth , pale , fluent little chap ’ .
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