Example sentences of "[verb] at point " in BNC.

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1 To find the response , the mirror allocation can be located at point 3 by striking a line from 2 through 1 and extending it for a distance equal to 21 ; i.e. 31 = 12 .
2 The £2.6m first phase of new technology and mining techniques has been installed at Point of Ayr .
3 ‘ However , British Coal believe that plans for major new investments have to be reviewed in the light of the changing market conditions , which I understand is happening at Point of Ayr . ’
4 For any initial income distribution , say at point 1 , the line 45° to the x and y axis shows all income allocations attainable from point 1 , the initial distribution .
5 The father was shot at point blank range through the heart and the daughter , who turned up later , was tortured , sexually abused and strangled , it was alleged .
6 ‘ But the following Tuesday , British Coal 's area director visited Point of Ayr and said the second phase would not go ahead during the review period , which effectively means development plans at Point of Ayr are on ice . ’
7 Such a position occurs at point C in figure 4.5 .
8 It is but I mean if you look at point four , overthrowing the feudal rule of the
9 Examples of common contraventions of statutory provisions are shown at point 6 ante .
10 Note the defence shown at point 2 above , when the offender has no reason to believe anyone was within hearing or seeing distances who was likely to be caused harassment , alarm or distress , e.g. if some people could see him , but they were a long way off .
11 For the recipient to increase as much of X as shown at point 7 , it would be necessary for income to be increased to point 9 on the income consumption curve .
12 These are usually in gel or liquid form and supplied at point of use via dispensers .
13 First of all note that the vapour pressure curve terminates at point C. This is called the critical point of water .
14 The capital stock will be just as fully utilized at point B as at point A , but fewer men will be required to operate the fixed number of machines .
15 Solid begins to form at point A. Depending on the composition of the mixture , the solid will be either benzene or naphthalene .
16 He generally fielded at point and his underhand bowling was formidable .
17 Hampshire who 's been er umpiring at point now trots back to square leg because the point area is becoming rather heavily populated at the moment with a very square gully and er an even squarer point , cover point .
18 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
19 During a match against Parr 's XI Felix was fielding at point for Sampson 's batting and he persisted in approaching to within a few feet of the batsman .
20 The economy embarks on a rather sluggish crawl up the new LM curve until it eventually comes to rest at point C where there is a new , higher equilibrium level of income , Y 2
21 Firstly , backwards pruning at point A is only possible without loss of accuracy if the correct hypothesis is the highest scoring .
22 Failing an admission a question to the defendant such as ‘ Where did you intend to go when you got into your car ? ’ or ‘ What were you trying to do ? ’ etc. may help to prove that he had an intention to drive as discussed at point ( B ) 2 ante .
23 To explain how such a cyclical movement will develop , start at point A on the graph in Fig. 10 .
24 At 13–00 hours a frontal attack was made by tanks who approached within 20 yards of company positions , firing at point blank range .
25 ‘ did cause wasteful employment of the police ’ This point means that the offender actually caused police time to be wasted in one of the three ways listed at point 4 , i.e. falsely reporting a possible offence , danger to a person(s) or property or that the reporter had material information .
26 Paulette died as a result of a head wound inflicted by a single bullet fired at point blank range ( 3–5 inches ) from the defendant 's Smith & Wesson .44 revolver .
27 Mr Hunt told a news conference after meeting union leaders in Flint on October 23 : ‘ A moratorium has been placed on the closure of Point of Ayr and a direction has been given by the Government to British Coal that development work must continue at Point of Ayr . ’
28 ‘ expose your person ’ This point is proved by describing the penis fully and stating what condition it was in as outlined at point 2 ante .
29 ‘ Proof of an offensive weapon depends on which of the three categories , outlined at point ( B ) 5 ante , is used .
30 ‘ for the purpose of prostitution ’ Means that loitering or soliciting must be for the purpose of offering her body etc. for reward as outlined at point 2 ante .
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