Example sentences of "[verb] at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With the adolescent , however , one will normally be able to communicate at least on a broadly similar level of sexual understanding with one 's own .
2 There is , furthermore , at least some limited evidence to suggest that most commercials do not need to be as long as they are in order to communicate at least the more fundamental elements of their message .
3 Its author , Roger Sedjo , argues that new temperate forests are absorbing at least 700 million tonnes a year , compared to the 1,000 million tonnes released annually as a result of tropical forest loss .
4 ‘ I hear they 've got a problem to worry at there , but details I do n't know . ’
5 Assuming that uniformity exists for research funding by the EC , as an example , the EC Nuclear Fission Safety 1991–94 programme states that in order to qualify for research support projects ‘ your proposal must be transnational and involve at least two independent participants from different member States ’ , ie three in all .
6 1.71 Personal injury cases are unique in that they almost always involve at least one expert : the doctor .
7 He sought out — he did not summon — those he wished to consult , and if persuaded would act at once .
8 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
9 Mr Charles remembered marvelling at how my father showed not one hint of discomfort or anger , but continued to drive with an expression balanced perfectly between personal dignity and readiness to oblige .
10 I fell madly in love with this area of Scotland the first time I set eyes on it , and subsequently crawled all over it for years , marvelling at how many caves Bonnie Prince Charlie managed to occupy in his escape from the Redcoats .
11 ‘ No , ’ she said carefully , marvelling at how the steam conducted the sound .
12 With them she talked , looked at the latest exhibitions , ate in tiny restaurants in the Quartier Latin that smelled deliciously of garlic and wine and smarter ones in the Champs-Elysees , wandered about the city marvelling at how little physical damage the Nazis had done , and had a marvellous time .
13 ‘ I do n't understand why they pose for the tourists , ’ she said , marvelling at how the huge hoods were wired to flare out in soft folds around each tightly wrapped skull .
14 She moved the drier and continued working on his hair , one part of her mind marvelling at how perfectly the golden locks fell back into place .
15 No drugs were permitted at least 48 hours beforehand and during the monitoring .
16 This agrees with the observation that human marathons are won at about half the speed of 100 m sprints .
17 He kept her waiting a couple of minutes , which raised her suspicions , but when he walked out empty-handed she smiled inwardly at having won at least one small battle between them .
18 M-19 , participating in the elections following the conclusion of a peace treaty with the government [ see above ] , was thought to have won at least two seats in the House of Representatives and took control of the councils of the small towns of Yumbo , Almaguey and San Alberto .
19 Although final results were yet to be computed , the opposition Liberal-National alliance appeared to have won at least 19 of the 35 seats in the House of Assembly , with the ALP suffering an adverse swing of around 5 per cent .
20 Results for the 22 state and federal territory governorships indicated that the ruling Democratic Action ( AD ) party had lost several governorships , while the opposition Social Christian party ( COPEI ) in alliance with the People 's Electoral Movement ( MEP ) had won at least 10 .
21 The Movement Towards Socialism ( MAS ) had also won at least four states .
22 But , such was her superiority over Good For The Roses and 17 others that she could have won at almost any distance .
23 It is possible for the race to be won at very long odds , and on two or three occasions , assisted by Wigg , I had been able to locate the winning horse , or at least a horse in the first three , which , if the odds were long enough , nevertheless produced a satisfactory result .
24 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
25 Last but by no means least , everyone should buy at least one copy of Olive Geddes ' fascinating Swing Through Time — the perfect Christmas present for golfers everywhere !
26 The mujaheddin marked the 10th anniversary of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan on Dec. 27 in similar fashion by launching at least 52 rockets into Kabul killing dozens of people according to a government spokesperson .
27 Sam realised his adversary had most in his favour ; in previous such fights , he would have attacked at once with fists and boots , but this brave man-mountain was no pushover .
28 Then the man who is believed to have attacked at least 100 women would never again be a threat .
29 How did he know at once that we were guilty , she wondered later , that we were , all of us , conspirators ?
30 I have preferred Irish humour ever since I heard of the Dublin man visiting London who wrote to his wife … ‘ and if you do not receive this letter you are to let me know at once ! ’
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