Example sentences of "[verb] do [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Before any enactment existed with regard to actions by solicitors for their costs , a solicitor stood in the same position as any other person who has done work for another at his request , and could sue as soon as the work which he was retained to do was finished , without having delivered any signed bill of costs or waiting for any time after the delivery of such a bill .
2 A party seeking to recover his property , which may be held , for example , by someone who has done work on it , will have first to issue proceedings , and if it appears that a lien arises , the court may order that the party seeking to recover may pay into court , to abide the event , the amount in respect of which the security is claimed together with such further sum by way of interest and costs as the court directs , and upon such payment , the property be given up .
3 Judge Bryan Prior has done society a favour not just by locking Michael Watson away , but by giving a warning to every mugger .
4 It is n't necessary to tell you that the West Riding owes its position in the vanguard of educational thinking and practice to a few people , of whom Basil was one of the most distinguished , and the work he has done will still go on .
5 Besides Snoopy , Praxis has done MS-DOS emulation work for Sparc cloners Mars , Tatung and Hyundai .
6 It 's interested in software , medical , retail and telecoms and has done PeopleSoft , Forte Software , Quarterdeck and Teradata. +1 415 854–6366
7 Usually the weathering has done part of the job , but thereafter a combination of small chisels and stout needles ( to prise away individual grains ) is needed .
8 She addressed a group of clergy from the Diocese , sharing with them her experiences of bereavement as a religious , a hospital chaplain , a nurse , and also someone who has done research into the needs of the bereaved .
9 Although nobody has done research upon the development of brain connections in the beaver , they have done this kind of research on other animals , like worms .
10 Dr Peter Fleming , who has done research in Bristol , said overheating due to environmental temperature , over-insulation or both contributed to cot death .
11 From a hot-head who has done time for killing a man , he develops into a union organiser who discovers the eloquence his new role demands .
12 He spent three days in jail after smashing up an apartment , and has done time in a drug rehabilitation centre .
13 ‘ I mean he has done time .
14 Police were let into the flat by 35-year-old Stephen Knox , who said : ‘ Simon has done funeral work for our company .
15 Andy Horne of Barclays Bank said : ‘ This slating has done sterling no good at all .
16 With his Gere-good looks ( the 27-year-old has done model assignments for Bruce Weber and Calvin Klein and commercials for Miller beer and Coke ) Parrish was deemed perfect despite having no movie background whatsoever .
17 So far three critics have attempted this comparison ( with varying statistics ) , but none of them has done justice to the intensity and range of Shakespeare 's pronouns .
18 There are numerous examples of the manner in which distorted religious teaching has done harm .
19 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath , to save life or to destroy it ( Mark 3:4 ; Luke 14:3 ) .
20 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath ; to save life or to kill ?
21 A single market can not be said to exist unless companies incorporated in one member state are permitted to do business in another .
22 ‘ I know what their intentions are , which are to enhance the individual 's life so that collectively we are all enhanced — to try to do stuff out of the mould of the old politics , which the three main parties are dealing with .
23 Everything was argued round the premise that existing union members should not have to pay the price of an EOP , and we should n't be expected to do management 's job for them .
24 He noted that the club would need to do work on the North and South stands in the foreseeable future .
25 He noted that the club would need to do work on the North and South stands in the foreseeable future .
26 But what sort of machine do you need to do justice to the application .
27 They divide viruses into the ‘ mostly harmless ’ which display messages , ‘ fatal distraction ’ which mean to display messages but accidentally cause loss of data or crash the computer , and ‘ information terrorist ’ which are designed to do harm .
28 Broken down in your liver , and your liver has to do work .
29 I mean we 've tried to write down everything she does but it 's so varied I mean , telephone calls and she has to do telephone calls .
30 Hence the attraction , if one has to do night duty , of weekend work .
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