Example sentences of "[verb] not [pron] " in BNC.

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1 we should have a core a of people who 've handled records of achievement and done records of achievement and they should you know not everybody has but we should what staff are capable of in terms of doing this has has has moved dramatic and there 's some still who struggle but everybody 's getting more and
2 Thereupon Miss T. received a transfusion of blood or plasma , it matters not which .
3 So if you could turn to any of the monthly calendar cards , it matters not which one .
4 Civil Rights committees , electoral reform groups , community development associations , friendship clubs , it matters not what they are called , or how diverse they are in structure and organisation .
5 The Descent of Darwin is about the present controversies , real , exaggerated , or downright lunatic fringe , it matters not what , over neo-Darwinism .
6 It is quite true , as the plaintiffs submit , that provided the person making the valuation is competent to value , it matters not who instructed him to produce the valuation or whether he is an employee of the building society or not .
7 Such is the informality of this unique little island that it matters not who you are or what you have .
8 After Lefebvre , we still wish to see space as an object commodified , but in late twentieth century Britain this commodity has not one but a multiplicity of identities .
9 A strategy for improving teaching has not one but two components : not only must there be an effective means for helping teachers to change their practice along the lines required , but the preferred approaches to teaching must be coherent , defensible and demonstrably capable of securing a quality of learning superior to that available previously .
10 In particular , the fact that a person ‘ knowingly concerned ’ has not himself received anything under the transaction in question does not , in my judgment , restrict the power of the court to make a section 6(2) order against that person .
11 This car dealer commits an offence , not under section 1(1) ( a ) , but only under section 1(1) ( b ) because he has not himself applied a false trade description .
12 In fact , the convictions these arguments try to explain are the product of the second approach , of a deep personification of political and social community , and that is why they do not challenge the Kantian thesis that no one is to blame for what he has not himself done .
13 Has not he forgotten to mention that between 1979 and 1981 investment fell sharply and that it was lower in the third quarter of 1991 than in any other quarter — 12 per cent .
14 Has not he realised that the CAP is the only agricultural support system under which consumers pay a subsidy to farmers and end up paying more for their food than if they had not paid the subsidy in the first place ?
15 Has not my right hon. and learned Friend conclusively convinced the House that only a Conservative Government have the courage to reduce taxation on the one hand and to get rid of taxes on the other , in contradistinction to nearly all other Governments before them , and especially the one between 1974 and 1979 who found endless ways of leaching money out of other people 's pockets ?
16 Has not my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) made a powerful case for the use of fingerprints under clause 2 ?
17 Where the local authority is of the opinion that summary proceedings provide an inadequate remedy , for example , where a fine will have little effect in persuading the odour emitter to abate the odour , or where summary action has failed , or is unacceptable due to the availability of the defence of best practicable means , proceedings may be taken in the High Court under s.100 of the Public Health Act 1936 , even though the local authority has not itself suffered any damage , provided the odour amounts to a statutory nuisance .
18 The equal opportunities movement has not itself always fully accepted people with disabilities and special needs .
19 If the vendor company has not itself elected , but is bound by an election to waive exemption made by any " relevant associate " within the meaning of para 3(8) 6A VAT Act 1983 , it is treated as having made an election , so Newco will have to elect and notify Customs to ensure that TOGC treatment is obtained .
20 As there was no suitable textbook , he and another schoolmaster in Rugby decided to write not one , but two , and he also wrote The Mathematics of Physics for Biologists , who often find the mathematical aspects of Physics rather difficult .
21 The Hintons say not everyone who fell ill ate their mushrooms ; not everyone who ate the mushrooms fell ill .
22 Say not her again oh look , he 's such a cutey
23 That scene , as Golding has often told , was the first he conceived of , and he invented the rest of the book with the conclusion already in mind ; and it tells of a frightened boy ‘ tensed for more terrors ’ who staggers to his feet to find not his tormentors but an officer in a white-topped cap :
24 ‘ So you see , as often as not the left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth .
25 The left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth .
26 ‘ For man knoweth not his time ; as the fishes that are taken in an evil net , and as the birds that are caught in the snare ; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when it falleth suddenly upon them . ’
27 ‘ The agent hass stopped us , but it iss not his fault , really ; it iss the Earl 's , ’ explained Jill , careful to be fair , ‘ though it iss really the people who leave the litter who are to blame , not even the Earl .
28 This section will consider not what the critics write in reviews of exhibitions , but the criticism which is contained within the exhibition catalogues ; not the commentary from the box , but the programme of events .
29 And also , as he watched the boxer on the television , Boy began to think that there are two kinds of sex : the kind of sex where you say do this , do that , or you manoeuvre yourself into position for a particular kind of pleasure ; and then there is the other kind of sex , where you want not someone else 's body that had done those things the night before or the afternoon before .
30 Touch not my son , Quigley , ’ said the old man , ‘ Leave him be ! ’
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