Example sentences of "[verb] in a " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally I treated myself to a half hour browse in a bookshop .
2 Second , since intervention is often directed at the areas of relative weakness in a child 's linguistic abilities , it may be helpful to identify what these are and to what extent they are likely to impair the child 's ability to communicate in a variety of settings .
3 There are types of language use which demand the ability to formulate grammatical , correctly bounded sentences , and being able to exploit the formal sentence grammar is one of the most important elements in being able to communicate in a language .
4 This is an important goal in learning to communicate in a foreign language .
5 Advisers had skills in negotiating with individual creditors and in planning an overall strategy of negotiation among several creditors , arising out of their knowledge of the legal position , experience of previous negotiations , the ability to communicate in a businesslike way , and their position as independent third parties .
6 As the language of mathematics is so tightly defined , the ability to use mathematics to communicate in a particular language may take longer to develop than we would expect , and this may lead us to underestimate pupils ' grasp of ideas , particularly since language is so closely related to culture .
7 They tend to communicate in a form of shorthand based on this common database and can to some extent predict each other 's reactions to normal situations .
8 Her heart beat in a way she had not been conscious of it beating for many a month and she felt near to tears .
9 The constituent cells of Volvox , however , are coordinated , for all the flagella around the sphere beat in an organised way and drive the tiny ball in a particular direction .
10 ‘ When dancers sleep in a bed ,
11 Sleep in a warm bed while you can , because you 'll be in the gutter soon enough , the lot of you . ’
12 to slump in a heap or sleep in a hump .
13 Even when they sleep in a separate room .
14 The women work and eat and sleep in an atmosphere thick with impalpable hairs and tainted with the sickly smell of the skins … the average daily earnings are 1/1d .
15 They were finally lifted in a second House of Lords ruling in October last year .
16 Suddenly , Apanage tweaked a sequence of cords and chains , and the net lifted in a momentary puff of silk before floating down to consume the apparition .
17 One corner of his mouth lifted in a self-mocking grin .
18 His shoulders lifted in a resigned shrug .
19 His shoulders lifted in a vague shrug .
20 The small man 's shoulders lifted in a slight shrug .
21 Jack 's mouth lifted in a wry smile .
22 His mouth lifted in a token smile .
23 His mouth lifted in a wry smile .
24 Her tiny figure shook with new-found sensations and her hands lifted in an involuntary gesture to touch her tingling breasts .
25 Asking for reporting restrictions to be lifted in an effort to trace witnesses , his solicitor Ged Hale said : ‘ He is a Pied Piper sort of figure who attracts lots of children .
26 Once when I had thought Nour loved me I had delighted in a garden full of roses surrounding a villa where his aunts lived .
27 And every day of those five weeks has been a knife slowly twisting in a wound .
28 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
29 GPs who volunteer to hold practice budgets will act in a similar way for those services for which they are responsible .
30 They will act in a facilitating role to help in focusing on more general social and economic need .
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