Example sentences of "[verb] the government " in BNC.

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1 EACO-Route 's project manager , Rob Lane , claimed that the road met the government 's ( controversial ) cost-benefit criteria , and added that its construction could provide 60,000 jobs and attract 100,000 people into new towns and villages in East Anglia and the north-east , improving prospects of economically-depressed areas such as Hull and Teeside .
2 Moreover , the absence of economic growth limited the government 's effectiveness to supply and fund the expanding demand for services .
3 The Prime Minister , Aníbal Cavaço Silva , had been under pressure to reorganize the government for some time , and the Cabinet sworn in on Jan. 5 contained five new ministers .
4 While the government may decide how much it wishes to spend on health care and it may seek to discourage employers from spending by changing tax incentives , the report said , the Fifth Amendment prohibits the government from ‘ barring individuals from using their own funds or their own insurance coverage to obtain appropriate medical care ’ .
5 Insurance companies are more likely to improve their sales methods if Sir Bryan tackles the Government on this issue .
6 The 1982 Local Government Finance Act abolished the right of authorities to set a supplementary rate and the 1984 Rates Act empowered the government to limit the spending and rates of centrally defined overspending authorities .
7 ‘ Temporary ’ regulations of August 1881 — ultimately extended until the fall of the Empire — empowered the government to declare virtual martial law wherever and whenever it chose to do so .
8 Emergency regulations empowered the government to declare virtual martial law at will .
9 Although the SPD agreed with the bill 's intention and much of its detail , it used its majority in the Bundesrat to reject the bill because it empowered the government to use telephone-tapping and mail-interception to gather evidence of illegal arms sales .
10 Controversial legislation introduced in 1990 empowered the government to nominate a maximum of six non-elected members to the 81-member parliament [ see p. 37574 ] .
11 Edward Heath disbanded the government and parliament of Northern Ireland in March 1972 and created a new post of secretary of state for Northern Ireland .
12 ‘ Personally , ’ he said , ‘ I support the Labour party but the armed forces are sworn to uphold the government of the day , so I 'll vote Conservative , of course . ’
13 But the Bill provides room for manoeuvring — and perhaps an indefinite delay — by allowing the government to choose an ‘ appropriate time to proceed based on the state 's financial abilities ’ .
14 The Exchange has done this , for example , in relation to the Government 's privatisations , by allowing the Government to retain a " golden " ( or " master " ) share in newly privatised companies .
15 It is the fear of frightening off investors that has stopped the government investing in water quality .
16 They presumably put in train the arrangements for the necessary legislation , as on 27th April , Molesworth introduced a Bill to the House of Commons to enable the Government to acquire the land for the scheme .
17 In the above example fresh cash ( £100 ) might come into the banking system because the central bank issued more bank notes to enable the government to meet its expenditure .
18 It was to enable the government to acquire land sold during the depression to pay off debts .
19 In addition , we must try to augment our oil revenues so as to enable the government to invest them for future development in industry and for processes and inventions at present unknown to us .
20 Possibly , the delay in the English and Welsh revenue grants is to enable the Government to deal with the problem of poll tax bills which will be plopping through doors shortly .
21 Citing health service expenditure and public-sector salaries as major problems , the article suggested that a further package of economic measures would be necessary to enable the government to keep within the targeted budget deficit .
22 On Oct. 6 the House of Representatives approved a stop-gap spending bill to enable the government to continue to function in the absence of a budget agreement .
23 On Oct. 18 the House approved , by 379 votes to 37 , another stop-gap funding measure to enable the government to keep operating for another week .
24 Earlier , the Pakistan Times of March 13 had confirmed that another of his sons , Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi , had been dismissed as federal Minister of Communications , reportedly for contacting the government 's political opponents .
25 He divided the government between East and West , taking the East himself .
26 The bill was reportedly designed to restore the government 's Islamic credentials which its critics maintained had been undermined by Pakistan 's participation in the Western-dominated multinational force opposing Iraq in the Gulf [ see pp. 37639 ; 37641 ; 37694 ] .
27 But one is left with the feeling that throughout the exercise the importance of recovering the Government 's position has been at least as important as the evaluation of a national energy policy .
28 The alternative approach to competition policy involves the government trying to influence the structure of the market in which the firm is operating — in other words , creating an environment in which a competitive structure , rather than a monopolistic or oligopolistic one , is more likely to exist .
29 The second strand involves the Government of the Republic and it has been a pleasure to all concerned that everybody involved in those talks has supported and sustained them .
30 A minimum wage involves the Government dictating to private employers what they should pay their workers .
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