Example sentences of "[prep] against the " in BNC.

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1 There was a caress in his tone that she had n't heard since Boxing Day , and then he sat down beside her and pulled her across so that she was cradled against him instead of against the cool white pillows .
2 Twice he missed the target , and the third time when through against the keeper , he missed the ball !
3 Victor , fatter and balder and more like a bilious little hippo than ever , was obviously enjoying playing the O'Briens off against the Mendozas .
4 The divi was very important which is why I , as a Guild 's woman erm through I suppose the memories of mother , was so adamant in against the dividend stamps because to us , that woman who I 'd just been talking about , Councillor Mrs always , I 'm sure no one would mind me saying it , but she always used to tell us that it was her thrift and she saved and they brought their house through this , the Co-op you see .
5 Her bedroom was darkened , brown velvet curtains pulled to against the daylight .
6 The taxing master disallowed a number of items on the ground that they were ‘ not mortgagee 's costs , that is , such costs as mortgagees are entitled to against the property in mortgage . ’
7 With action pending against the perpetrators of the attack , the focus of case switched to the future of Gates , a 42-year veteran of the department and chief of the Los Angeles force for 13 years .
8 ARGUMENTS against electoral reform look rather threadbare when looked at against the reality that our constitution has already failed to prevent ideologies of the extreme Right and Left from seizing power at both local and national levels .
9 Looked at against the background of the difficulties in the way of achieving a representative sample , the close result of 1932 was a fantastic stroke of luck ; and errors of 4 per cent or so , as produced in 1936 , are only to be expected .
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