Example sentences of "[prep] made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It does take time to become familiar with all the features of the ORIGINAL shaping section but , with patience and practice , you could soon be knee deep in patterns for a whole variety of made to measure designer garments !
2 Well a ponch er it 's sort of made of wood , and got a got a handle crosswise which you held in one half of it in each hand , it had a stem , and on the on the ponch itself was a sort of er piece of wood that had been er cut out to have about four , I think it was four , legs on this , you see and you used to stand over the ponch and
3 WITH the continent the way it is , the end of Made in Latin America ( BBC-2 ) was inevitable .
4 Koons is creating new sculptures for the show , but the work will follow the general thrust of Made in Heaven in New York , which poses two central questions to the unconverted .
5 However , there will be some circumstances where representations may have to made on behalf of individuals who enjoy income other than that arising from the Church , and who may therefore have a tax liability or indeed who may have tax repayment due to them .
6 the evidence that we 've found out already from C H C is that the operation of the N H S reforms has restrictive patient choice because crucially those referrals to London teaching hospitals which used to made as a matter of course if treatment is unable er , unavailable in Harlow have actually been largely stopped , I got the detailed figures from the purchasing director erm er , recently in the C F C minutes and it shows a miniscule number of patients being referred to London teaching hospitals erm , and this is clearly the reason as this points out in this paper that London teaching hospitals are in serious financial problems and four of them , indeed are being threatened with closure by the Tomlinson report and I think many patients in Harlow would much rather as er , people have pointed out , go to er , Middlesex and U C H , should they still exist than to go to Colchester and er , but this is this a key question , so on the the basis of the this consortium does n't meet those criticisms indeed , make the situation worse I move that we oppose it in principle that Vince reports on that line .
7 Erm my reference was in part to the Secretary of State 's notice of approval of the last alteration of the structure plan , where he said he accepted that some of the provision York provision would have to made outside the ci city boundaries .
8 Er , the coffee next week is going to made by Jane and Peter .
9 Yes of course these bookings had to made by the twenty fifth of th of erm February did n't they ?
10 But if if if if you are saying that calculation of housing provision includes conversions , I 'm somewhat some guidance on how much provision will have to made from new built sites , and somebody 's going to have to make an intelligent assumption about how much is coming forward from conversions .
11 No it used to be just the sacks stop the dust and go down the back and I 've known the time what er , when they needed a regular gang of dockers , if they went to work on er , on er Monday morning with a dirty head bag on made of calico , they 'd have to buy the beer cos they had , if they ai n't got a clean head bag on or a cl clean skullcap , there used to be a little old calico skullcap they used to put on just to keep the dust out the hair and all like that .
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