Example sentences of "[prep] her for " in BNC.

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1 Hordes of admirers screech that they would be only too willing to take Kylie home and look after her for a while .
2 ACTRESS Jean Marsh is not flattered by a description of the rose she had named after her for her role as the maid , Rose , in Upstairs Downstairs .
3 Maurice stared after her for a moment .
4 You could decide to work at a time when your partner or a friend is round to see the baby , or arrange for someone — a childminder or relative — to look after her for a few hours each week .
5 Presumably she bolted the door after her for that was how the police had found it in the morning .
6 The safety of knowing that at least he was n't after her for her father 's wealth ?
7 But you are going to be sorry to see that one go because you 've looked after her for so long .
8 Nobody had looked after her for years , he had been quite right about that .
9 That this particular dybbuk has fallen in love — not with Lil , the magnificent , many-talented , shape-shifting demon queen who has lusted after her for millenia — but with one ordinary , down-to-earth , mortal dyke .
10 Snappy bounded after her for a few yards , then scampered away to follow his mistress .
11 ‘ Perhaps you can look after her for five minutes while I go and book the rooms ? ’
12 Yeah well he 's been looking after her for , for years ai n't he ?
13 No , yeah I 'll come with you , you go off and stay with Joyce , look after her for a little while and let Kenneth sort things out !
14 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
15 She stopped to catch a child by the hand and whisper some word which was rewarded with a kiss , then caught the corner of her veil to cover her already masked face as the chief driver came towards her for a quick answer to a query , always given and received after the words of greeting and queries as to health had been exchanged .
16 Maybe her arms , then her legs , her hair , her arms , her fingers , her thumbs till there would be nothing left of her for Gloria to find .
17 Apart from joining us for the evening meal and when she ran short of pesetas , we saw little of her for the rest of the holiday .
18 She always did bring the water eventually , and to her cronies Mairi sometimes admitted she was glad to see the back of her for a few hours ; but that never weakened her tongue .
19 He came from Cambridge , and I have n't heard of her for a number of years .
20 Like the other playwrights whose response to Thatcherism and brutality has been some hand-wringing of their own , Barker is too infatuated by his heroine 's strength to humanise her withe vulnerability and too in awe of her for a passionate or coolly detached opposition .
21 I 'd fetch her home , clean her up , straighten her out and take care of her for as long as she 'd let me , but the call of the wild was strong and after a few days of sleeping on the couch , she 'd vanish again .
22 ‘ Lesley was seriously assaulted facing those dangers in December 1991 but this did not deter her from bravely facing them again and we are very proud of her for that .
23 But the marriage plan for Matilda was now dead , and within a few months her father was killed in a border skirmish , and we hear no more of her for the next seven years .
24 He lay prone on top of her for a few moments then he rolled to one side , panting loudly , his breath slowly returning to normal .
25 I have hardly thought of her for at least a week ; I am free of the little stabs of pain and the scudding dark clouds which had a habit of appearing from nowhere , uninvited and unexpected .
26 Shall I get rid of her for you ? ’
27 I had the advantage of her for that much unobtrusive study .
28 Since nothing seemed to be required of her for the present , Robbie thought , it would do no harm to lean back , just for a moment , and allow her heavy eyelids to have their own way .
29 She just heard footsteps behind her , looked around , and there he was , standing behind her for all the world as though nothing between them had changed .
30 But the light that filtered through the curtains as she sat up in bed soon convinced her that , unlikely though it seemed , she really had left the discomforts of her hotel behind her for good .
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