Example sentences of "[prep] no [det] " in BNC.

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1 If he makes it — and many experts think he can — it will be a massive vindication of his decision four years ago to quit a promising school career after no fewer than nine O-levels , giving up the chance of A-levels and university to turn squash professional at the tender age of just 17 .
2 Such a division is of no little interest today , as politicians debate the extent of European political and economic union , and of Britain 's involvement in Europe .
3 Quotas can be introduced , which might or might not be tradeable between farmers ( David Baldock of the IEEP suggests that within the National Farmers ' Union a debate over quotas ended with victory for those in favour of no such regulation ) .
4 I thought of no such possibility .
5 The ladies in reception knew of no such thing .
6 However , we know of no such defector on that night .
7 Where the younger brother was moderate and willing to compromise , aware of the rights and claims of his subjects and of the impossibility of ruling despotically , the elder was conscious of no such limitation and , with the highest intentions , was deeply intolerant of all opposition .
8 I know of no such shackles .
9 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
10 The sampling theorem indicates that we must sample these phenomena at a frequency of no less than half their wavelength if we are to avoid bias in measurement .
11 On this basis , a data flow of no less than 1 terabyte ( i.e. 10¹2 ; bytes ) /day is anticipated by the mid-1990s .
12 Less dramatically , but of no less threat to those concerned , the publication of even so innocuous a list as the Electoral Register can , by disclosing the addresses of those who live alone , present a distinct danger in areas where the crime rate is high .
13 It is for these reasons that I felt then , as I do now , that in pursuing an industrial career I was performing a social service , of no less significance than my service in the armed forces .
14 Even before the sculptures were revealed to the world , artists of no less authority than Renoir and Mary Cassatt declared them to be among Degas ' greatest achievements .
15 This was a pity , since Hitchcock had the assistance of no less than Hein Heckroth as production designer and fellow-cockney expatriate Albert Whitlock ( who had also worked on The Birds and Marnie ) to do the matte paintings — he created most of the art gallery that figures in one sequence as a meeting place .
16 Not in any way connected but of no less interest and speculation are a few cup stones .
17 Qualifications for the per cent club , which was launched by the Prince of Wales in nineteen eighty six , is the contribution of no less than half a per cent of pre-tax , U K profits , or one per cent of dividends to the community .
18 The Chairman , for example , was one of no fewer than five Irish Americans to have held the top job in UM .
19 It also became the largest city in Western Europe , with walls enclosing an area of no fewer than 483 acres .
20 Henry replied , in an open letter , ‘ It is I ’ , and over the course of no fewer than 63 pages drew a factual , logical and haunting picture of the plight of his beloved Combsburgh , as he perceived it in the winter of 1830/31 .
21 This stretch of coastline contains the outlets of no fewer than seven rivers .
22 One mole-nest was found with an adjoining store of no fewer than 1 , 280 worms .
23 It was a red-letter day for his supporters everywhere when , on 31 December 1720 , a son was born to James 's new young wife , in the presence of no fewer than 100 cardinals , ambassadors and other important witnesses ; clearly the charge of being a ‘ warming-pan ’ changeling was not going to be laid against Charles Edward .
24 The RPK has not been formally registered : it has 2,000 members and Russian law requires that a new party must present a list of no fewer than 5,000 members to register with the justice ministry .
25 However , he thought it was probably the second language of no fewer than ninety per cent of Tanzanians .
26 That victory was a first in a Grand Slam tournament for Panatta , one of no fewer than 14 players since ‘ 77 to have made winning Grand Slam debuts in Paris .
27 THE recovery of no fewer than eleven kinds of filamentous microfossil from 3,465-million-year-old rocks in Western Australia ( J. W. Schopf Science 260 , 640–646 ; 1993 ) , shows that life was not only in existence a few hundred million years after the planet was formed , but was thriving : rarely does one find single fossils of this antiquity , let alone entire communities .
28 When W. S. Rockstro made the first thorough-going attempt at a life of Handel in 1883 , he had before him a list of no fewer than 53 likenesses made during the composer 's lifetime .
29 The output of no fewer than 30 government ‘ think tanks ’ was devoted to the cost-cutting priorities of animal rearing in post-war years .
30 Is the Opposition spokesman afraid that people will remember the days before the Government 's policy when political meddling led to huge overcapacity , massive losses and the closure of no fewer than three plants under Labour in Scotland alone ?
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