Example sentences of "[prep] time and " in BNC.

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1 Once you have found such a spot you can go back time after time and take fish .
2 All mysteries of science are , by definition , mysteries of the Universe , which , for the sake of argument , we can say is the sum total of all matter , all energy , and all events that have taken place throughout past time and will take place throughout future time .
3 Malraux 's books , like thousands of picture books since , emphasise details and similarities across boundaries of time and place .
4 The expectations of the two parties may be very different , as may be the amount of time and effort they each put into the deal .
5 In any case , this type of speculation is a complete waste of time and anyone who seriously thinks that all is quiet on the western front as the twentieth century draws to a close must be dozing in his dug-out .
6 Written as a result of attending a Labour Party conference , it was the product of shock at what then seemed to me the amount of time and energy politicians and journalists spent chasing each other 's tails on such occasions .
7 The requirement for such pleasures is a matter of time and place , and it does not have to be Friday , Berlin or Strasburg , New York or San Francisco .
8 In trying to educate people against using it , I would emphasise not its dangers but the fact that ultimately it is a complete waste of time and money .
9 Tippett 's Mask of Time and Birtwistle 's Mask of Orpheus , Steve Reich 's Desert Music , much of the output of John Tavener and Jonathan Harvey ; above all , Stockhausen 's seven-day wonder , Licht .
10 Him apart though it was pretty much all no-hopers — nothing more than a total waste of time and a convenient way for Paul to take the pressure off himself .
11 As the total area allocated to these crops increased , so the amount of time and land which a family could devote to food crop production for its own consumption often diminished .
12 While the factors of time and the sheer difficulty of analysis partly explain the relative failure of donors to provide a meaningful public assessment of aid programmes , they do not explain the cumulative inadequacy of the results which are available to date .
13 The car has been through several variations of engine size , but now like an ageing but still beautiful dowager , repeated facelifts can no longer wholly hide the ravages of time and progress . ’
14 The women demanded their ‘ gifts ’ of time and interest to the club be reciprocated by the donation of time and money by the players for the collective life of the community .
15 The women demanded their ‘ gifts ’ of time and interest to the club be reciprocated by the donation of time and money by the players for the collective life of the community .
16 Do individuals lose all sense of time and become erratic , or do they maintain a rhythmicity in their lifestyle and bodily functions ?
17 ‘ Of course , all this takes a great deal of time and money .
18 What Charles said in major speeches which he put a great deal of time and thought into , seldom went farther than the four walls he spoke within .
19 ‘ The Syrian forces could , if they wanted , speedily resolve the problem of Gen Aoun in Lebanon through military means , but the Syrian leadership is fully convinced there will be no need to resort to this as Gen Aoun 's removal is a matter of time and will take place quickly through political means . ’ .
20 Here was Dennis Potter , by critical consent the best pure television writer we have , directing his first ever film : as near as dammit , total artistic control under conditions of time and budget that were extraordinarily generous ; the film-maker 's dream .
21 Bataille 's key notion was that of expenditure without return , an orgiastic squandering of time and self .
22 But in the history of warfare new weapon systems rarely achieve immediate dominance : only the passage of time and operational experience decides whether the older , well-tried systems should be superseded or not .
23 From his digs at 113 Cowley Road , Thomas wrote his first letter to Harry Hooton : ‘ My dear Mr. Hooton , I matriculated today before the Vice-Chancellor of the University , and , in consequence , I am left a little freer of time and heart : for until then , I feared failure in what turned out to be the easy matric. exam. , and worked to the exclusion of almost all else : which is the explanation of time and heart . ’
24 From his digs at 113 Cowley Road , Thomas wrote his first letter to Harry Hooton : ‘ My dear Mr. Hooton , I matriculated today before the Vice-Chancellor of the University , and , in consequence , I am left a little freer of time and heart : for until then , I feared failure in what turned out to be the easy matric. exam. , and worked to the exclusion of almost all else : which is the explanation of time and heart . ’
25 Most people wear watches , some keep diaries : we continually monitor the passage of time and keep records of the sequence of events .
26 Cultures and historical periods differ greatly in their concepts of time and the continuity of life .
27 Describing herself as something of a ‘ social victim ’ , she has temporarily torn herself away from urban distractions in favour of time and space at a ‘ country abode ’ , where she is working on material for a second album , due in November .
28 If there should be trees out there , swaying in the wind , then he would know that he had lost all sense of time and place and personal identity .
29 It becomes an inevitable part of normal living that we form significant relationships with particular individuals for a period of time and then , often through force of circumstance , move away from those same relationships .
30 However , over a long period of time and association , horses and ponies can alter their thought patterns and learn to think more like each other , and to become more empathic .
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