Example sentences of "[prep] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Time after time he defended himself from Carter , time after time the screw intervened , again and again he was n't pushed to the floor .
2 As a result , cats spend a great deal of time every day dealing with their toilet , and in addition to the typical licking movements they perform repeated scratchings .
3 Hitler himself provided encouragement for such opinion when , in his major speech in the Berlin Sportpalast on 3 October 1941 , he not only defended the invasion of the Soviet Union as a preventive war , pre-empting in the nick of time a planned Bolshevik assault on the Reich , but also gave the impression that the back of the Soviet fighting capability had already been broken .
4 Slote 's method of predicting future use from past use is based upon analysis of the ‘ shelf time period ’ — i.e. the length of time a book remains upon the shelf between successive uses .
5 each measure of time a perfect
6 At the age of thirty-four he met and married within a very short space of time a widow who was four years his senior .
7 Other things being equal , the higher the average for the length of time a person is unemployed , the greater will be the number unemployed at any moment in time .
8 And , as a consequence , a phenomenon , peculiar to the species , called ‘ belief ’ , takes hold like an infection , or on-going plague , and in the course of time a formidable hierarchical structure develops .
9 By the beginning of the thirteenth century there was a widely held belief within the Church that masses said on behalf of the dead would shorten the length of time a soul spent in purgatory .
10 Tacograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
11 Tachograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
12 The definition does not , for very practical reasons , define caring in terms of time spent or the amount of time a dependant could be left for .
13 The period of time a bill is before Parliament determines how long the window of opportunity to legislate on criminal justice matters remains open .
14 2 nurses can perform a dressing more efficiently and cut down the length of time a wound is exposed and at risk and the number of times hands need to be washed .
15 This is not an exact method as the rate of fading is determined by the length of time a rug has been exposed to the light and by the intensity of the light source .
16 If there 's a continual turnover of material we can actually calculate its residence time , that is the average length of time a particular molecule of substance X spends in the ocean .
17 In the Ladies , where they went to explore and while away the length of time a restaurant meal always took , Miranda began , ‘ Who 's that man then ? ’
18 the amount of time a supervisor has to spend with his subordinates , taking into account the demands of his own superiors , other departments and operational/non-managerial work ;
19 Provided that the sea has been eroding for a sufficient length of time a negative movement of base level results in a raised beach , consisting as a rule of an eroded platform of solid rocks with or without a covering of beach deposits .
20 There was a little discussion about the length of time a perfectly made cup of tea ought to be brewed and a little anguish because there was no milk to offer the guests .
21 Aim to collect over a period of time a variety of texts covering different types of oral literature , the formal and the informal , fiction and truth , narrative and exhortation , and so on .
22 This stage is followed by a search for means to implement the desired change and over a period of time a cycle of problems are handled by this method .
23 Now , Harry was certain , Cornelius meant more than the length of time a middle-aged man should give himself to recover from influenza .
24 The next Labour Government will end GP fund holding , because we shall not tolerate a two-tier list system in which the length of time a patient waits depends on the size of the GP 's budget .
25 Reducing the amount of time a patient spends in face-to-face contact with relatives with whom he lives in a ‘ high EE ’ environment , or changing their communication styles , will also be protective .
26 and attempts to evoke ahead of time a vivid anticipation of the experience with its associated feelings of anxiety , tension , depression and deprivation .
27 The agreed ratio will reflect a number of considerations , such as : ( a ) the age and experience of each partner ; ( b ) the amount of time a partner is required to devote to the firm ; ( c ) the nature of each partner 's work ( legal aid or private , fee earning only or including a generous proportion of remuneration for office and appointments held ) ; ( d ) the extent to which the profits of separate departments within the firm differ substantially from one another ; ( e ) whether the firm 's policy tends to equality of reward ( and equality would be imposed under the Partnership Act in the absence of some other agreed ratio ) or whether , for example , it attempts to relate profit shares to salaries in comparable employments .
28 It may save you a lot of time a lot bother a lot of marks .
29 That is quite simply to reduce by say 25 per cent the amount of time the eager opera audience wishes to spend listening to famous old works about famous old people and places , and instead increase the amount of time it wishes to spend listening to new works about ordinary people now .
30 Cosmologists call the far end of time the c-boundary .
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