Example sentences of "[prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now this will surprise you , I know ; but my mother has pointed that out time after time .
2 The research team , based at the Bristol Oncology Centre , hopes the method will eventually become an accepted screening method as it can be used time after time without any risk to the patient 's health .
3 The fragrance can be revitalised time after time with oils supplied ( £2.99 . )
4 Time after time on his Scottish travels he conjured original ideas from his encounters with the unfamiliar .
5 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
6 The following year , after time for reflection , the issue was put to the vote .
7 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
8 But Charles had a nagging fear that it was n't that , that Michael Banks really was trying , that he did go through the lines time after time in the evenings , but that his mind could no longer retain them .
9 ’ Ever closer union ’ is an objective which has been reaffirmed and defined time after time in successive meetings of the European Council .
10 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
11 Time after time after time .
12 And time after time after time , there have been cases prepared and whenever they came to court , there was nobody prepared to go into that courtroom .
13 What I wish erm Mr Mayor , because councillor tries this erm Tory party , central office philosophy time after time after time .
14 We are misled time after time after time when people have problems like they 're having their vehicle serviced , it 's put a claim in for a water pump , and have the cost of their service paid for .
15 Well that 's , that 's just , just ca n't predict and , to have it going on time after time after time , it 's bad , bad form for , for the phone , and the bill and all concerned
16 Poor Charles Bradlaugh , returned time after time by the electors of Northampton was first found by the courts ( on the application of an informer for a penalty ) to be disentitled to affirm ( since , having no religion , he had no religious objection to taking the oath ) ( in Clarke v Bradlaugh ( 1881 ) 7 QBD 38 , reversed but not on this point in Bradlaugh v Clarke ( 1883 ) 8 App Cas 354 ) .
17 ‘ It was past time for me to win a big one like this and play an aggressive final round . ’
18 Tutilo started and shook himself , and took an unexpectedly long moment to think before he answered : ‘ It was late , past time for Compline when I started . ’
19 But I 've only been there one day — half a day , really , since I took a good bit of time off this afternoon to talk to you .
20 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
21 This principle was based on an idea that was accepted by other Greek thinkers of this period — the concept of Time as a judge .
22 The concept of Time as a judge can also be attributed to the great Athenian statesman Solon ( sixth century BC ) who , according to Werner Jaeger , ‘ defends himself ‘ before the bench of Time'' ’ .
23 Gunnell has pointed out that , unlike the Greeks , the Hebrews never tried to analyse the ‘ problem ’ of time as such .
24 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
25 Plotinus also advanced beyond Plato by modifying the latter 's famous metaphor of time as the moving image of eternity , since he was more concerned to stress the difference between , rather than the resemblance of , time and eternity .
26 Despite their constant preoccupation with temporal phenomena , the Maya never attained the idea of time as the journey of a single bearer with his load .
27 Later Jed had lost all sense of time as the external heart slowly pumped a solution of formaldehyde into the dead woman 's body , as the dead woman 's body began to blush .
28 Future : Jesus who will come again at the end of time as King of Kings ; as Judge of the living and the dead ; and who will usher his faithful people into the Kingdom of his Father .
29 They may construct artificial representations of a fixed reality at any one point of time as a means of handling the continuous flow of social change , but these are simply data for the social scientist and not to be taken at face value .
30 The clue to one 's dissatisfaction comes on page 60 when , in the course of a short section on advertising and television , Hewison writes , ‘ Our world picture breaks up , splintered into clips and cuts , suspended on an unending flow of imagery , a single sentence of infinite variety , with only the passage of time as continuity . ’
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