Example sentences of "[prep] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 IMO it has been demonstrated time after time that Strachan is pretty useless on the left ( even though he put in a nice cross for Hodge on saturday ) ) Even in the scum match , Strachan looked just a little too late and too slow in most situations , and I understand from the match reports that he has n't improved since .
2 Once you have found such a spot you can go back time after time and take fish .
3 Through the love and compassion of Jesus the missionary is able to return time after time until this love has broken through and the message is accepted .
4 This was especially heinous , as items charged for were often put back into stock to be ‘ sold ’ time after time until they wore out .
5 ‘ Pah , nothing 's left from the previous existence — only the mere lees and dregs of thought , dreams of past time that the creature does not heed , or not half as much as the figments he has derived from Milton !
6 All mysteries of science are , by definition , mysteries of the Universe , which , for the sake of argument , we can say is the sum total of all matter , all energy , and all events that have taken place throughout past time and will take place throughout future time .
7 The announcement about dinner being served , Henry observed with approval , had come at just the right length of time after the sherry had been drunk .
8 At present there are people who choose to display a green learner plate for a period of time after they have passed their test , but this is only optional and may lead to other coloured learner plates being sold which then may not be taken seriously .
9 POLICEMAN Mick Gallagher rescued Runcorn in the nick of time after the home challenge appeared to be tailing off .
10 There are two points here : the first is that no matter how substantial is one 's background in user education , advice can become steadily less relevant with the passage of time unless a determined effort is made to keep contact with the users to be instructed ; ie to continue to instruct the user personally .
11 The most constructive move was when Linda Bellos stood up and announced that she thought that the group was a complete waste of time unless it had power , and to have power it would have to be a Council Committee with the right to interfere in all other committees .
12 Christmas is less than seven weeks away ; forgive us if it all seems too early , but would n't it be terrific if this year , just for a change , you really did manage to get everything done ahead of time so you could actually enjoy the break … ?
13 But just as all doctors have patients who consume disproportionate amounts of time so we have papers that slow us down .
14 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
15 The fact is , it 's condensed into a very short space of time so you have n't got much chance to think .
16 He died as active as ever and , although only forty-five , had already crammed more into that space of time than most people manage in a far longer span .
17 Nevertheless , by the latter part of the fifth century BC there was a greater general awareness of the significance of time than there had been previously .
18 In view of the slowness with which changes of mental outlook came about in those days , it is not surprising that even after the introduction of the mechanical clock in the fourteenth century most people , including many of the more sophisticated , were far less concerned in their daily life with the passage of time than we are .
19 The Chinese were more interested in the practical measurement of time than were the inhabitants of India .
20 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
21 The oldest datable sound recording still in existence is just over one hundred years old , so our legacy covers a much smaller span of time than books , music , or paintings .
22 Or maybe it is simply that a second to them is a vastly longer subjective experience of time than it is to us and other creatures , possessed of a slower metabolic rate .
23 Second , under the proposals , established partners who anticipate retiring after the five-year transitional relief has expired will pay tax in respect of a greater period of time than they have actually been a partner .
24 Birds can also detect much smaller intervals of time than us .
25 The nationalities concerned are generally Lutheran ( Estonians and Latvians ) or Roman Catholic ( Lithuanians ) by religion , not Orthodox , and they have been under Soviet rule for a much shorter period of time than most other nationalities , since 1940 rather than the immediate post-revolutionary period ( when communist-led governments were briefly established in all three republics ) .
26 An operating lease lasts for a much shorter period of time than the economic life of the asset and the lessor retains the risks and rewards of ownership .
27 In fact the Colosseum has suffered less from the depredations of the barbarians and the weathering of time than from its use in the Middle Ages as a fortress and later as a quarry by Renaissance builders ( 91 and 121 ) .
28 This process whereby financial intermediaries lend for longer periods of time than they borrow is known as maturity transformation .
29 More importantly , the ending escapes the cliché in countless films of a marriage being halted in the nick of time although it most resembles the climax of a 1928 Harold Lloyd comedy , Speedy .
30 It is impossible to study processes in physical environment independently of time although timeless and timebound approaches have been distinguished ( Chorley , 1966 ) .
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