Example sentences of "[prep] if a " in BNC.

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1 Sure enough Jay at ten past three in the morning flits down the stairs of the crumbling house in her pomegranate kimono , mad woman in search of photo , as if a photo could help her understand .
2 The movements were strongly influenced by the stylised Bugako players and were appropriate to each scene , but oddly enough the whole appeared too static , as if a series of japanese prints was being paraded before the audience .
3 No doubt age-old instincts tell them that altitude gives a measure of protection , but often the fact that a site commands good views seems a positive recommendation , as if a distant prospect of fields or farmyard is in itself an aid to production .
4 I felt a lump in my throat as I looked down at the first grave , the Balmoral on the cross was torn at the front as if a piece of shrapnel had smashed its way through the badge and into the soldier 's head .
5 In their futile endeavour Joseph Chamberlain and his contemporaries were only re-enacting in modern dress the plot of the mideighteenth-century drama , by proceeding as if a common will and desire to be subordinate existed when it did not .
6 as if a finger were put on the naked soul !
7 The non-aggressive angel-like pose , is of course extremely seductive , which makes the threat of force oblique , only implied , as if a beautiful face was being laid over the ugly face of violent coercion .
8 as if a mother did n't know where her own daughter was !
9 Suddenly there was a gap , as if a favourite comfortable armchair had been removed from its cosy place by the fire .
10 as if a steady stream of uncut , top-notch , straightforward soul is what Prince should be striving for !
11 But , rightly , ICI is acting as if a bid is imminent , preparing its defences and making plans for itself in a way that guarantees that much will change at the firm .
12 But I always wonder , as if a film had been taken from my eyes and I saw new worlds . ’
13 One may compare such a public certification of the title with the stamp on a coin , which attests the genuineness of the metal , whereas the system of private investigation of title is as if a man was obliged to employ an expert analyst to test the genuineness of the coins which might be tendered to him .
14 It was as if a great load fell from his shoulders .
15 So on this occasion when the priest set forth this ancient cry , it was as if a sleeping volcano erupted .
16 I felt as if a huge gap had appeared in my existence , because one who had always been there was there no longer , and I should never see him again .
17 He turned back , as if a thought had just struck him .
18 Critics seem to view this as a cowardice , as if a boxer should want his brains pulped .
19 The civil and foreign services treat the whole thing as if a gong is just another perk of the job .
20 Its top lip begins to extend and grow like some sort of elephant-horse , and the corners of its mouth pull up higher and higher so that its mouth looks longer and longer , as if a heavy-handed rider is pulling mercilessly at it .
21 As he spoke , his language grew rougher and rougher , as if a Jekyll and Hyde transformation were taking effect .
22 It was as if a genius creator , after six days ' labour , had become uninterested in his achievement and had delegated responsibility for the rule and administration of his work to a band of bureaucrats — a tireless bunch of imbeciles , lacking compassion , who justified their role in the scheme of things by ceaselessly inventing trials for man , to keep him on his toes .
23 as if a person could belong to anybody other than themselves !
24 Mature evergreen trees , such as Ilex crenata , have been trained and clipped into formal shapes which look as if a green cloud is floating on each branch .
25 Our hilltop villa proved a great vantage point for the spectacular storms that , after a few days , cleared the air and allowed Provence to shine in her brilliant colours , as if a gauze veil had been lifted .
26 It was as if a steel rope had been scraped across her palm .
27 It began to look as if a wee riot might be in order .
28 The man stopped in mid-strike as if a steel door had been slammed in his face .
29 as if a homicidal maniac on cocaine could be of any help …
30 If your engine is using a lot of oil it sounds as if a replacement or rebuild is required .
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