Example sentences of "[prep] an [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty which many people have in seeing this where religion is concerned is because of an either/or mentality .
2 ( 1.6 ) unc If one branch of an IF construct is always executed , then the construct may be replaced by that branch .
3 The first two say that if each component process of an IF or ALT declares the variable x , and that variable does not clash with the booleans or guards , then the declaration may be moved outside the constructor .
4 ‘ When I refuse him — ’ and Honoria Greville noticed the when — no mention of an if ‘ — he will not marry you . ’
5 if you wish to use NOT to reverse the action of an IF statement it is important to ensure that the testable condition does actually evaluate to -1 for TRUE .
6 But what of the ideas we have of a centaur , of God , of infinity , or of an as yet unbuilt house ?
7 Other women grappled with the mystery of an as yet unarticulated knowledge of their ‘ difference ’ , having no name to give it .
8 All too often , it seems that the coupling of an as yet imperfect scientific understanding to policy-making is tenuous ( see Table 9.2 ) .
9 A Kuroko-style massive pyrite deposit at Cae Coch , north-east of Snowdon , may be the distal expression of an as yet undiscovered buried proximal base metal sulphide deposit ( Ball and Bland , 1985 ) .
10 A Kuroko-style massive pyrite deposit at Cae Coch , north-east of Snowdon , may be the distal expression of an as yet undiscovered buried proximal base metal sulphide deposit ( Ball and Bland , 1985 ) .
11 What he could do , if Ritschl thought it a plan worth pursuing was put together a book of miscellaneous bits and pieces-part literary history , part " new ideas and views " ( neue Ansichten und Aussichten ) of an as yet unspecified nature , part textual criticism .
12 They suggested that the likelihood of an OR might be determined not only by the specific state of habituation of the target stimulus but also by the extent to which the context is generally arousing ( cf. the dual-process theory of Groves and Thompson 1970 ) .
13 A product is a continuous form of an and .
14 The Human League represented the coming vogue ; a young group from Sheffield , much more accomplished in matters of style , presentation and business than in music , with an as yet barely formed talent for playing synthesisers .
15 EVERY day in 1992 I have rounded off the page with an And
16 I mean , I think that one should put as much service as one possibly can into the preventive end — I ca n't see it as an either/or !
17 The programmer may choose a long-distance view of the whole execution space of a program , a reduced view as an AND/OR tree , or zoom in to see the details of a single call .
18 PThreads , or P1003.4a , is expected by the end of this year , and Price says SVR4.1 ES/MP will conform to it as an when the thing is ratified .
19 Nor were a dozen other heads of state who are not , I think going to request witnesses for an After Action Study . ’
20 Party leaders face a dilemma over whether to continue their search , already discussed in private meetings in Washington , for an as yet undeclared candidate in time for their convention in July .
21 ‘ What you 're telling me , Tallboy , ’ said the Superintendent with practised distaste , ‘ is that the sum total of knowledge gleaned by almost the entire Medewich police force , continuously engaged over the last ten days comes to this : Paul Gray was murdered on Thursday or Friday July first or second , somewhere between Markham cum Cumbermound and Medewich , by persons unknown , at a time not yet established , at a place not yet identified , for an as yet undiscovered reason .
22 Can I just mention that nobody 's read that but you 'll see the last sentence says that whatever you put on that tape the dictionary keep the copyright you see and that 's all right when you 're on conversations , but if you were to read in an and it was a short story , if that 's you know i if they reserve
23 In an OR gate ( also known as inclusive or ) an initial input of two binary terms will yield one if either or both of the terms is one .
24 In an IF statement , if the test is FALSE , the statements after ELSE will be executed .
25 NOT is most commonly used in an IF
26 This can lead to confusion because the testable condition in an IF
27 When the test in an IF
28 He painted Raymond as a mysterious and sensitive young man with an air of extraordinary prescience in an as yet unmoulded face .
29 ‘ Not wanting to attract any more attention than necessary in an as yet unannounced vehicle , he accelerated to gain some distance . ’
30 John Morrill has recently suggested , in an as yet unpublished paper , that the religious history of the period 1640 to 1660 can be usefully viewed as a revolt by large numbers of the English people against the more rigid applications of the doctrines of predestination and perseverance .
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