Example sentences of "[prep] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When Ben was eventually found , in the Chapel House Estate , it was discovered that he had previously been looked after in a place called Jesmond .
2 We want them looked after in a caring way , and treated as children , not as bits of evidence in some concocted case about satanism or something . ’
3 There are countries where you might enter and be looked after in a hospitable way ; you do not feel that could happen in England .
4 In a separate incident , another car turned onto its roof after in a joyriding incident .
5 During a trip with his amateur mountaineering father the rains came and young Simon spent four days being looked after in a Buddhist teaching monastery .
6 They need to explore , socialise , mix with interested adult company and be looked after in a warm and friendly environment .
7 The door which had opened hastily to let him through was just swinging heavily to when Harry roused himself out of his daze of doubt and consternation , and flung himself after in a burst of despairing rage .
8 Forced to flee the Nazis in 1937 — leaving behind the 20,000 bibliography volumes — the older Breslauer resettled his family in London but was killed shortly after in an air-raid .
9 ‘ Mebbe that 's what they were after in the first place .
10 Now and then , waiters would serve us refreshing drinks from the bar and while we were busy unwinding , we were happy to know that the children were being well looked after in the Children 's Club .
11 Now Wedgwood generously agreed to waive the buy-back clause in return for a series of covenants ensuring that the house would be restored and looked after in the future .
12 He had heard that forty pounds a year had been paid for a girl to be looked after in the asylum of Dr Perfect in West Malling .
13 It is clearly undesirable and often more expensive to admit or keep in district general hospitals or long stay hospitals old or mentally ill or mentally handicapped people who could be properly looked after in the community .
14 This may be appropriate , not only because hospital beds are usually expensive but also because most people prefer to be looked after in the community .
15 Although the qualification was very much sought after in the beginning with the burgeoning of more centres running it up and down the country , the trainees soon realised that in spite of the skills they gained , the diploma was not recognised by the DES even as a first stage towards further accreditation .
16 … John and I , flattered at first by the sweet smell of success , had to get out of it , into another language , forgotten in the House of Fame but happy ever after in the House of Fiction .
17 Fabrics are expensive , but they will last for years and give great pleasure provided they are looked after in the proper manner .
18 They do live happily ever after in the end .
19 For most mentally-ill people are being looked after in the community anyway , by relatives and friends who can not bring themselves to have the people they love locked away .
20 People in the street are asked to prepare for an influx of refugees who will be looked after in the local church hall .
21 He would prefer not to come back on to my patch , and he has his own investments to look after in the City .
22 Obviously it is sad to part with such a fine piece of craftsmanship , but it will be appreciated and well-looked after in the National Museums of Scotland , as one of the major items in the important spinning-wheel collections .
23 What there 's a handbook that he 's after in the bookshop .
24 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
25 To take one 's finger off the bounding narrative pulse of Crime and Punishment and to open The Possessed — to open it anywhere — is to find oneself out in the sticks once again : the ‘ our town ’ of the novel and the voice relating its affairs bring back the ‘ we ’ of convict life in The House of the Dead and the more sketchy collective of that remote Siberian community outside the prison walls .
26 It was a very difficult period in my career , and the problem with the transfer was that everything was done out in the open .
27 in the far North out in the
28 The reporter said the town 's new section was being put in the wrong place , in an area where tremors are likely again , instead of in a safer place across the valley .
29 It was the only Italian name I could think of in a hurry and I did n't have the nerve to put on the right accent to go with it . ’
30 Direct injection , where the fuel is burned inside the cylinder head instead of in a separate chamber , is another big advance now used increasingly on smaller car engines .
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