Example sentences of "[prep] tell you " in BNC.

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1 we er spoke spade work that sort of told you about , spade work recommended a list of do work .
2 you , I 'd of told you mum should of come up , she would n't come would she ?
3 got up this morning , but I , Maria must of told you that
4 Could of told you it was !
5 said to me I 've of told you to take half an hour so actually
6 perhaps I should n't of told you , so I said well look Timothy I said this is a conversation that has n't taken place I said when Christopher comes back in I said if you want to say anything you can , but feel free not to and we 'll just , if he comes we wo n't know anything about it
7 Yes , yes , he was a poor little sole all the way through was n't , but , erm , she does n't sort of tell you much about the good times at the end
8 They believe in the truth and they are n't frightened of telling you about it .
9 Instead of telling you individually , I shall wait until you 're assembled .
10 If you find yourself panting after climbing the stairs , or stiff after unaccustomed physical work , such as gardening , it 's nature 's way of telling you that you could benefit from extra exercise .
11 Max has a very funny way of telling you that you should try a different approach .
12 ‘ Secondly , I 'm afraid the owner of the Delos has been guilty of telling you fibs , Admiral .
13 For example , ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen , I am very glad to have this opportunity of telling you about my magnificent stamp collection .
14 Naturally , even if you made sufficient headway with your phrase book to ask , they 'd never dream of telling you where they got it .
15 For the millionth time of telling you .
16 I think instead of encouraging you to try out new ideas they seem to get some kind of kick out of telling you how bad it is …
17 It may also be that her naughtiness is her way of telling you she 's not ready for the toddler group yet .
18 ‘ But I have no intention of telling you what you want to know . ’
19 ( Falling over is God 's way of telling you the bar 's about to shut in my book . )
20 The role will hardly ever be one of telling you what to do ; instead , the supervisor reviews what you have done .
21 Well , story of telling you had to do it ,
22 I was sort of telling you that bit .
23 ‘ I would n't dream of telling you anything ! ’ she flared , and as anxiety , love and all manner of emotions flooded her she only knew she had to get away from him .
24 ‘ There was no reason that I could think of to tell you , and some reason not to . ’
25 Whatever they could stick their noses into they would , like telling you off if you had more than eight photos on your pin board .
26 ‘ You seem sharp enough to me , ’ Lucy said , thinking how hard it was to find a way of guiding someone into telling you things that they 'll assume you already know .
27 ‘ You ca n't scare me into telling you what you want to hear ! ’
28 It is concerned with telling you as much about what we do n't yet know as about what we do know .
29 But do n't let anyone get away with telling you that IBM 's problems are all the fault of the world economy : if Hewlett-Packard Co can grow at 20% in the current climate , if ICL Plc can remain in the black , if that former corporate basket case Unisys Corp , which compared with IBM started out under its present management with no advantages at all , can return to profit , IBM 's woes have to be acknowledged to be primarily the fault of the company itself , and only exacerbated by the economy .
30 And again I must be frank in telling you , because if I do n't tell you this , one of the maids of the house will likely inform you very shortly , that I 've had two helpers already this year .
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