Example sentences of "[prep] way which " in BNC.

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1 Welfare rights services , for example could be defined in a variety of ways which may not make them readily understandable .
2 SCOTVEC is currently undertaking work , financed by the Training Agency , to develop the existing national certificate catalogue unto a portfolio of catalogues which will classify modules in a variety of ways which are responsive to the needs of individual user groups .
3 As you very well know , Sir Conrad was determined to reform the club in a lot of ways which you did n't like .
4 Many utterances can be parsed in a number of ways which are phonemically similar though lexically different .
5 It is this difference of way which constitutes the difference of ‘ feel ’ in their experience .
6 A favourite spot for horse-riders , ramblers and walkers , the right of way which runs in a straight line from a point close to the Royal Naval School comes out at the Hindhead gibbet .
7 To recognize the value present in a situation ( he urges ) is not merely to have an attitude which someone else who conceives the ‘ factual character ’ of the situation in exactly the same way might lack , but to conceive it in a particular kind of way which could not be duplicated in someone not thus drawn to it .
8 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
9 There must be no other court proceedings under way which might result in the end of your marriage .
10 He 's recording you because there is a project under way which is known as the British National Corpus .
11 Its atmosphere and suspense are nursed by locality — Petersburg — in ways which ca n't be escaped but which often get misreported .
12 Parties to CITES must give the secretariat the finances with which to do its job and not oblige it to raise its own funds in ways which lead to question and criticism . ’
13 But for Lawrence the two conflict and in ways which echo the psychoanalytic account of desire :
14 Production systems will have to be intensified in ways which do not deplete fertility ; areas which are now under-populated will have to be used more productively ; the organizations which serve small farmers , including relevant agricultural research institutes , will have to be strengthened ; and finally , agricultural prices will have to be maintained at a level which provides an incentive .
15 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
16 In the first case aid has frequently freed government revenue for purposes very different to those the donors would support ( a new presidential palace , a larger army , a new capital city ) ; in the second case corruption has affected the allocation of contracts in ways which damage project execution .
17 To Michael Powell documentary was nothing more than a refuge for ‘ disappointed feature filmmakers or out-of-work poets ’ , but the wartime films he made within an immensely fruitful collaboration ( the Archers ) with the Hungarian Emeric Pressburger , with the two of them sharing credits for production , direction and screenwriting , take on documentary concerns in ways which indicate that the absorption of the documentary filmmakers into commercial filmmaking was only an incidental part of a process with roots deep in wartime culture .
18 The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves to unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten the improvement in East-West relations .
19 Even so , in countless places around Europe , people behave and think in ways which are totally distinctive .
20 The Council is , thanks to the SEA , more than ever the true ‘ Parliament ’ of the European Community in that it — rather than the Strasbourg assembly — passes the Community 's laws and does so , moreover , behind closed doors in ways which would not be tolerated in any individual national member state .
21 For it is not clear that the generative or productive motions which ‘ cause ’ a circle really are put forward as ‘ efficient ’ causes ; Hobbes has a tendency to speak of them in ways which make it not inappropriate to think of them in terms of some notion of ‘ formal ’ cause .
22 The uneasy feeling that , despite his claim to make things out of ideas , Berkeley has ‘ banished all that is real and substantial out of the world ’ , can be articulated by suggesting that , whatever philosophers might want to say about ‘ real things ’ , common sense will want to speak about them in ways which , at least at first sight , are not licensed by their being constructed out of ideas .
23 I am able to return to that blessed hump between the Severn and the Wye in ways which , in logic , Miller is prevented from enjoying .
24 They ignored the prior consultations , the use of friendship between secretariat officials and local chairmen which ensured that the business of government was carried on in ways which often responded to local needs .
25 The future provision for liberal adult education was to be shared in ways which broadly represented existing arrangements with most , though not all , financial costs being borne by grant-aid from the Ministry of Education and the LEAs .
26 Although EEC policy is necessarily uniform for the Community as a whole , member governments are responsible for applying it in ways which are relevant to local problems , just as they were for identifying boundaries of their Less Favoured Areas in the first place .
27 We will also maintain direct support for farming the Less Favoured Areas in ways which encourage good environmental practice .
28 We are committed to developing tourism in ways which provide all-year-round jobs and bring benefit to less well-known parts of our countryside , without damaging the environment .
29 One may be obligated to help fight opponents of the institution or help overcome obstacles to its successful operation in ways which one is not required by its laws to do .
30 This belief , expressed in the legal doctrine of novus actus interruptus , is that a person is responsible for his own actions , and others are not responsible even if they induced his action by suggesting that there are reasons for it , or by behaving in ways which led him to form such a belief .
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