Example sentences of "[prep] all a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It seems unfair that a few farmers should have to carry the cost of the consequences of what is after all a national policy .
2 But you will perhaps understand that there was a natural tendency on my part , in asking what was after all a generous favour from my employer , to hint that there was a good professional motive behind my request .
3 It is after all a film about a mother and daughter relationship .
4 After all a walker is probably unlikely to take an axe to some prime woodland , build a fire , get a guitar out and sing Kumbaya my Lord all night .
5 After all a molecule is indifferent to the discipline practised by its observer , and it will indulge in physical , chemical or biological processes ( or any combination thereof ) according to the circumstances ; a la cane options are strictly forbidden .
6 He also stated in terms that can not be misunderstood that science is after all a human activity , dependent on human imagination to produce its hypotheses , absolutely incapable of describing the world absolutely , but setting itself merely the obligation of bouncing its ideas against reality .
7 Although the subject was never directly mentioned , it was subtly intimated in various ways that I was beholden to the Parsons for what was after all a free holiday , and was therefore expected to do rather more than my bit when it came to chauffeuring , chaperoning , shopping and suchlike chores .
8 This was after all a period of full employment and marked growth in people 's real earnings .
9 After all a man 's got a right to a place of his own . ’
10 There were after all a dozen appropriate texts he could have quoted .
11 The theology of the group was sufficiently united by the fact that , amid a secular intelligentsia , it was after all a theology .
12 It is important , however , that historians should avoid displaying the kind of intellectual condescension which lay behind such contemporary statements ; the weather was after all a major factor in the success or failure of the harvest , and thus for many English men and women at this time was not far short of a life and death issue .
13 The 40MHz species , let alone the 36MHz , was after all a compromise chip when Sun and TI earlier discovered the 50MHz would be harder to make than they thought .
14 It is after all a dealers ' fair and gives us a chance to show what we have to potential and established clients without the auction houses breathing down our necks .
15 Now Lady Mendl was after all a highly successful professional decorator , and whatever her sumptuous simplicities in the matter of table decoration — a little white Ming rabbit at each guest 's place , a remnant of sixteenth-century French green silk brocade used as a tablecloth , one flawless magnolia on the tea tray ( the photograph of her butler carrying this same tray alone makes a copy of the book worth searching for ) — she certainly did n't seriously intend playing them down .
16 This is after all a major part of a teacher 's role .
17 ( One might have expected heterosexual young men to be more influenced by what was after all a film of exclusively heterosexual practices . )
18 Her interest in cosmetics , like that of her friend Alix Bowen , was minimal , but , like Alix Bowen , she decided that it was after all a festive occasion , and she began at this late moment to apply a little mascara .
19 Nor did Egypt , which is after all a long way to the east of Cyrene ( Athens being nearer to Cyrene than is the Nile ) make much impact except in a few points of ritual .
20 In fact even if one succeeds in dissociating oneself from some of the more romantic claims that are made on its behalf it 's easy to get the discouraging impression that communication without words is after all a residual topic and that once orthodox language has been subtracted all that is left is a rubbish heap of nudges , shrugs , pouts , sighs , winks and glances — or to put it another way that non-verbal communication is simply the behavioural exhaust thrown out of the rear end of an extremely high-tech linguistic machine .
21 Three years is after all a long time .
22 After all a reputable retailer does n't want a lot of dissatisfied customers walking about .
23 And hell , I thought ; I had been tired ; I was tired still , and I would phone that evening — definitely — and say I 'd fallen asleep , and nobody would be too bothered , and after all a chap could only cope with so much sorrow-saying in one day … of course I 'd phone .
24 It offended the religious , because it seemed to make God out to be untruthful or deceitful ; in the scientific age , science was after all a route to truth , and only the Devil was the father of lies .
25 ‘ Correctly pricing the gas at its fully competitive worth ensures that what is after all a scarce and valuable natural resource is rightly conserved by end users .
26 Perhaps only a state of intoxication brought about by suppressants of these centres can really suffice to effect the final dissolution of the superego which , being after all a purely psychological agency , can not literally be soluble in alcohol .
27 Cos after all a coin was a , had a monetary value that meant you could go and buy something with it .
28 It is after all a suburb of Abingdon
29 Let's not , however , dwell on negative aspects of what was after all a further morale boost to our international prospects .
30 Brady and other Middlesbrough councillors obviously have a vested interest in laying the blame for the housing crisis at the door of the Conservative government it is after all a Labour-controlled authority .
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