Example sentences of "[prep] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here fish live that have developed a method of finding their way about that no other creature so far has emulated .
2 Have you have you got any er idea of how i it came about that a group was so organized ?
3 Wan na say a bit more about that a little later on .
4 And I 'll talk about that a bit more .
5 she must think about that a lot .
6 cub like that with a stick , I know a job about that a blind man coming , a blind man was walking down the pavement with a stick , so on the side of the pavement there 's this dog turd
7 Being technically aware of your body is very important and the more drama school does about that the better .
8 So how do you feel about that the fact that there are more coloured people
9 I 'm sorry about that the room , erm , okay the six pads that you 've got .
10 Did you get the feeling when you moved about that the members felt this that the the organizers of the union was a wee bit adrift ?
11 er the communists would n't be very happy about that the ownership of production is this is , this is the problem .
12 It also puts money into the Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association which is wholly involved and has been for the last two years in trying to get large scale erm strategic inward investment into the county , and erm it is a erm awkwardness I think that it 's best to be open about that the planning policy of the county is out of tune with the day factor activities of the economic development side of the of the county council .
13 One of the exciting things about the erm introduction of this into schools is that we might actually begin to get , from a very early age , erm children clear about that the need to communicate their intentions , and that that 's what actually that 's what mathematics and similar formal systems has always been about .
14 The freeholder refused to put in writing any guarantee , such as that no comprehensive redevelopment of the site was planned .
15 So , third , the purpose of the Council was not just to restate and defend past doctrines — for that a Council was not necessary — but to ‘ make a leap forward in doctrinal insight and the education of consciences in ever greater fidelity to authentic teaching .
16 For that a settled ethical character is as necessary as is intelligence itself .
17 And Moses said , This shall be , when the Lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat , and in the morning bread to the full ; for that the Lord heareth your murmurings , which ye murmur against him : and what are we ? your murmurings are not against us , but against the Lord . ’
18 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
19 You are such a bad man bringing women home for me to cook for that the courts would acquit me . ’
20 The Support Force crossed the great divide and for that the profession ought to be grateful .
21 ‘ No one knew him , ’ said Raynor , ‘ no one recognised him , and for that the gate-keepers and the sentries must take great blame .
22 In fact it was the Society 's policy now that we wo n't put animals to sleep unless there is an extreme er cause for that the sick , diseased .
23 I suppose the trouble is yeah if you do push , if you do go for that the other side cos you just sort of push them into the
24 Unfortunately , soon after that a copper spotted him doing his Peeping Tom bit , followed him inside the studios and looked very strangely at all this expensive gear lying around .
25 Shortly after that a headmaster 's house was built , and that was where I lived with my family .
26 Another of Mrs Gothberg 's horses was cut the following day , and the day after that a foal was found bleeding on a neighbouring farm .
27 Merry , in the Houses of Healing , asks immediately after his recall from death by the sacral king for ‘ supper first , and after that a pipe ’ .
28 ‘ Soon after that a different Man came by car and he put me in a carrier cage and took me into the darkness of a long journey , over bumpy roads , on to a ship , and into the most terrible place of all , an iron cage with obscured windows , which raced through the night clattering and clattering , a regular rhythm of metallic sound .
29 He then spent three days at Fort King being questioned by people from the DIA , the FBI , the CIA and the DEA , and after that a bunch of US Marshals took him away into the Federal Witness Protection program .
30 After that a bird — the same one or another — fell through the chimney into the grate and then fluttered and banged in terror around the room .
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