Example sentences of "[prep] do not " in BNC.

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1 He knew the man he dreamed of did not exist .
2 Carbon tetrachloride with a dilatational velocity of does not attack epoxies for example but can form carcinogenic vapours ( trichloroethane is the next best choice ) .
3 That child labour not only existed in the pre-factory economy but was strongly approved of does not of itself make blinkered sentimentalists of those who reacted so strongly to the " dark , satanic mills " .
4 Section 4(1) ( b ) stipulates , " that the person proceeded against did not at any time supply the product to another " .
5 Whatever you think I look like does not necessarily represent the truth . ’
6 The ministry accepted that farm-gate prices were a misleading basis for calculating cost benefits , but the new methods they came up with did not fully adjust the calculations accordingly , especially in the case of cereals .
7 The two subjects who slept little to start with did not achieve any such permanent reduction in sleep .
8 He believes the people he was was working with did not know how he was running the organisation .
9 If the person I am with does not talk , then I do not talk .
10 If you yourself do not know what you want out of the meeting you can hardly be surprised if the person you are dealing with does not respond in a satisfactory way .
11 If the person whose liberty is interfered with does not know that the person who constrains him is a constable and believes that he is under attack , he will have the defence that , since he acted in self defence , he committed no assault .
12 Incubation of NCp7 with immobilized IN did not result in the formation of NCp7:IN complexes ( data not shown ) , indicating that NCp7 does not stimulate the function of IN through stable protein:protein interactions .
13 The blow I shrank from did not fall .
14 More than half those polled for Woman 's Own reckoned the ECU was anything from toothpaste to an exotic animal , while 90 per did not have a clue what ERM stood for .
15 Here the person referred to did not expect to be alone at the bar .
16 That 's illustrated by the fact that four people who kept them on did not get caught
17 However , observational studies such as these should be interpreted with care , all that can be fairly concluded is that the group operated on do not differ significantly from the remainder and the longer a patient is followed the greater the change of surgery .
18 As the city state continues to develop , private ownership becomes more and more concentrated in the hands of some of the citizens , but the division this give rise to does not lead to the formation of classes among the freemen because they remain united against the slaves .
19 This negative bias entails however that in the speaker 's eyes there are no real reasons which can be conceived as occupying the before-position which a reason normally occupies with respect to the action it calls for ; and since there is consequently nothing which can be situated in time before this action , the meaning of to does not apply in this use .
20 And when , after lunch , she came downstairs in her new outfit , bought from Selfridge 's last week with the money which J. D. O'Connor had paid her for her articles , and with her next two articles in her bag , ready to be handed in to the great man himself before she returned to the rectory to pick up Rose Bailey , whose time off did not begin until four-thirty , both Dr Neil and Matey thought that she looked enchanting .
21 At Norwich , where the local authorities had assessed no one at more than £100 , the Duke of Norfolk asked the King for a letter , ‘ commanding me … to speak roundly to all such as do not honestly … make their said certificates ’ .
22 Lewis Rudd has had responsibility in his television career for DO NOT ADJUST YOUR SET ( Thames ) , WORZEL GUMMIDGE ( Southern Television ) , and at Central Television ( YOUR MOTHER WOULD N'T LIKE IT .
23 The dealers and auctioneers are clearly dishonest men , for did not the newspapers contain , almost daily , stories of this or that forgotten family possession , found in an attic or lumber room or trunk , and fetching colossal sums ?
24 Sadly for Kylie though , whether or not she got the most important role she had yet auditioned for did not depend on a man already convinced of her potential .
25 This meant in his view that the Afghan Government had to be ‘ such as does not maintain a hostile attitude towards the Soviet Union and does not join anti-Soviet alliances ’ .
26 The fact that goods have not been paid for does not prevent ownership in them passing to the purchaser unless , of course , they are subject to a properly communicated and valid retention clause .
27 Sources note that Adobe Systems Inc did not go along to Apple Computer Inc 's MAS shindig as many hoped .
28 However it was , the one he had aimed at did not get out of the way in time and a last-minute attempt to slink off in the wind failed .
29 Since by definition in a critical column , the objective row evaluated at does not change under pivoting .
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