Example sentences of "[prep] a old " in BNC.

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1 Sir George Robey 240 Seven Sisters Rd N4 ( 263 4581 ) Named after an old musical hero , located opposite the old Rainbow , the venerable old rock institution which is now home to a religious sect .
2 The last beach along here before you come to the first of the rocky headlands that are so prettily characteristic of Biarritz 's coastline , is called the Chambre d'Amour or Chamber of Love , after an old depression in the sand where two lovers are said to have put themselves well and truly on the map by being surprised in their amours by the Atlantic tide .
3 I had half-managed to con a colleague in the Press-box into believing that the Brewongle Stand was named after an old left-arm spinner from Parramatta named Bluey Brewongle when I saw the dark-green uniforms emerging from the pavilion , and the emotions crowded in with a sudden impact .
4 They called some of it bouzah after an old city , Bousiris , in the Nile Delta .
5 ‘ Did he tell you I need someone to look after an old lady ? ’
6 I do n't , I do n't bit of a old
7 Psychological abuse probably poses the greatest difficulty in trying to decide what is beyond the bounds of socially acceptable behaviour towards an old person .
8 The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl , 17 or thereabouts , as ‘ the ultimate indecorum ’ , and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot , exponents of a disgusted chastity .
9 He used the complete gamut of his voice , from a growl like a dog warning its master that it has a sore foot to a high , exalted monotone which he kept for perorations ; and when he was using the words of an Old Testament lament , Isaiah or Zephaniah , to make a piteous effect , he had been known to put his head back and yowl like a tom-cat .
10 An exploration of an old craftman 's tool-roll would reveal some strangely shaped tools , probably made for some one-off job .
11 Extra twist can be achieved by the wearing of an old rubber glove on the required thumb .
12 We all see with one pair of eyes , Raskolnikov 's , when the visual field narrows upon the back of an old woman 's head , her hair ‘ thick with grease , twisted into a rat's-tail plait and gathered up under what was left of a broken horn comb which stuck out at the nape of her neck ’ .
13 Hymns was an alternately brutal , comic and touching study of pubescent schoolboys while his new work , dull morning cloudy mild , stems from the diary of an old man whose memories are bound up with his obsessive recording of the weather .
14 Thus some slow , desiccated waltzing and gentle leans have the quietude of an old couple on a dull mild day ; sequences of deft , steppy footwork and sharp edged leaps have the high spirits of blustery sunshine , while a duet of rhythmic fidgety gestures has the feel of a lifelong argument continued during a rainy afternoon .
15 She has even given up her beloved Russian , learnt painstakingly with the help of an old Cyrillic typewriter .
16 Sat 25 11.00am NFT1 Waller 's Last Walk Christian Wagner 's elegiac treatment of an eldery railway inspector 's life ; 10.45am NFT2 In Fading Light Gripping docu-drama on the dying North Shields fishing industry ; 11.00am Curzon West End Romuald and Juliette Coline Serreau 's comedy about an affair between an exec and his black cleaner ; 11.00am Screen on Green Island Paul Cox 's elegant three-hander ; 2.15 NFT1 Guardian/AIP Seminar ; 1.15 NFT2 Martha Jellneck Kai Wessell 's story of an old woman 's relationship with her meals-on-wheels deliverer ; 3.15 NFT2 I Am Living Portrait of contemporary Indian women ; 4.30 NFT1 The Thief of Bagdad Restored version of Korda 's sumptuous Arabian Knights fantasy ; 5.45 NFT2 I Went to The Dance Documentary by Les Blank on the Cajun music of Louisiana ; 7.30 LFMC Programme 7 : Interior Monologues ; 9.00 NFT1 The Kill-Off Maggie Greenwald 's look at a sleazy East Coast seaside resort ; 8.30 NFT2 Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Beeban Kidron 's interpretation of Jeanette Winterson 's autobiographical first novel , with Geraldine McEwan ; 8.45 MOMI Smoking Mirror Funereal British comedy , with Beatie Edney ; 11.15 Rio Chicken and Duck Talk See above .
17 In Bharatpur , the competition between Rajiv Gandhi 's ruling Congress ( I ) party and the assorted forces of the anti-Congress opposition is so finely poised , and the pool of royal admirers so deep , that three prominent relatives of Maharajah Brijendra Singh have slipped into a democratic version of an old autocratic vice : the royal family feud .
18 Limousines drew up to disgorge a wedding party ; women in elegant outfits topped with splendid hats were a fanfare for a bride who stepped out of an old white Daimler , tanned beneath her white silk .
19 Ayodhya 's Babri mosque was built on the ruins of an old Hindu temple during the Moghul invasions of the late 16th century .
20 The cache was discovered by a workman on the site of an old hospital about 50 yards from Spaniards Road , a main road running across the heath near areas used for car parking by visitors .
21 An incoming government , fresh from the overthrow of an old regime , is quite likely to take measures for nationalisation , or on exchange controls and import controls .
22 With his experience of an old university and a less old university , with two different systems , he was able to frame for himself what he valued in the English university .
23 Still a device was invented to cover up the disappearance of an old landmark ; and at the accession of Her present gracious Majesty , she was unlawfully proclaimed by a new title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , subsequently legalised by the Royal Titles Act 1953 , against which I am proud to recall that I protested in my place in the House of Commons .
24 ‘ What do you think of an old fellow like myself turning up to meet such a grand lassie ? ’
25 The rusting remains of an old piece of farm machinery were evidence of some Icelander breaking his back to extract a living from the land .
26 There was the public humiliation of being dropped from the side ; the autocratic style of managers , who were themselves as afraid and insecure as their players ; the refusal to let good players use their natural talent to play , forcing them through repetitive training ‘ systems ’ and naïve ‘ game plans ’ ; the petty jealousies of the players , their hierarchies , and childish pranks ; the fear of the new signing , who has to be included at the expense of an old friend ; the view of a match from ‘ the inside ’ when you know a team-mate does not want the ball but wants it to look as if you will not give it to him .
27 The moral opposition to boxing in the late twentieth century , which is essentially a continuation of an old Nonconformist hostility bolstered by science , is weakened by the popularity of men like Henry Cooper : 'Enry , the Londoner , the decent , gentle bruiser , who almost knocked out one of the greatest heavyweights of all time , but now prospers as a TV celebrity playing golf for charity or advertising deodorants .
28 Observed in uncompromising midsummer light , Clytemnestra looked like something that , having lain neglected at the bottom of an old woman 's knitting basket , has finally been brought out to be mended .
29 Hence there follows a full description of the origin and staple features of the constituent parts of the traditional farmstead because it is important that the untutored town dweller who is contemplating the purchase and conversion of an old farm building should recognise the different building types , understand the operational influences which shaped the form of each structure , and frame his or her ideas for the conversion so that any permanent evidence of agricultural history which the building provides is not erased .
30 Rich and soothing , this decidedly grown-up version of an old nursery favourite owes more to Anton Mosimann than to Mrs Beeton .
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