Example sentences of "[prep] a first " in BNC.

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1 He was recently fined £500 by the European Tour when , after a first round of 74 in his defence of the Mediterranean Open , he refused to come in for the requested press interview .
2 By that time Woosnam had advanced from his overnight position of three under par , after a first round of 69 , to seven under , one behind Craig Parry , of Australia .
3 Grady slipped with a 75 but made the cut , as did Roger Davis with a splendid 68 to retrieve his position after a first round of 77 .
4 All sorts of people go to see performers after a first night .
5 If the adventurers return to this room after a first encounter , the puppets ‘ remember ’ the events of the first meeting and will make suitably sarcastic comments .
6 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
7 The advice offered in Chapter 8 on more effective reading was that you should only begin to take notes after a first reading — when you 've grasped the structure and got the gist of the topic being dealt with .
8 Frankie had nothing much more to offer till they signed to Zang Tumb Tuum ( ZTT ) the label ( named after a First World War futurist magazine ) formed by New Musical Express ( NME ) theorist , Paul Morley , and Dollar/ABC/Malcolm McLaren producer , Trevor Horn .
9 I do not know who told her that the doctors had refused to meet her and I heard nothing from her until after a first meeting when what came to be known as the Goodman Plan was presented to the government and the doctors had convened at Downing Street .
10 He was an Apostle and a prizeman , though his zeal as president of the Union condemned him to a second in part ii ( 1904 ) after a first in part i ( 1902 ) of the classical tripos .
11 However , they were also quite pricey , as they could well afford to be , so I designed my own after a first disaster with one of the Ken Smith ledger rods .
12 Mark Roe was altogether more scathing about the problem after a first round of 85 which left him in last place in the field .
13 After a first session on June 8 near Brno , Klaus declared that the two sides ' views were " fundamentally different " .
14 After a first phase of innovation competition to establish liquid niches in interest rate and share index markets , there is likely to be a phase of consolidation and rationalisation .
15 Kim Campbell , 46 , was ahead after a first ballot , but she fell short of a majority needed to succeed Brian Mulroney as the country 's next prime minister .
16 McLure , the Spons-A-Tee Northern Amateur Masters Champion picked up valuable points towards retaining the title thanks to his win at Seaton Carew , but he looked out of it after a first round 79 , despite a birdie at the 18th .
17 He may be taken as an example of a first type of critic , the advocate .
18 Whether the parents planted a cedar tree in honour of the occasion , as another custom dictated ( girls only got a pine tree ! ) we do not know , but we can rest assured that the salutation-prayer was made with particular relish for this first son of a first son : ‘ A boy is born into the world ; a blessing has come into the world . ’
19 THE ACQUISITIVE advertising and marketing company WCRS Group more than doubled pre-tax profits to £38.1m for the year to June , largely the result of a first full year contribution from its French affiliate Carat .
20 Ockrent is still trying to tone down his screen actors — ‘ remember there 'll be twenty feet of grimace up there ’ — but he retains the keenness of a novice : ‘ You get the excitement of a first night every ten minutes . ’
21 It is rare for an Indie band to take off big on the strength of a first record .
22 However , the offer of a first record deal should not result in a ‘ sign at all costs ’ attitude from the artist .
23 Morgan asserted , and McLennan denied , the existence of a first stage of society when social life was undifferentiated , when marriage did not exist , and when above all , private property did not occur .
24 As for commercial reactions , they can be judged by the fact that the capital cost of a first FBR is estimated by the British nuclear industry at between 20 and 30 per cent greater than that of a PWR , and generating costs 20 per cent more .
25 She was determined to leave home ; Edward , according to one of Helen 's letters to Janet Aldis , ‘ haring ’ his father who still wished his son to enter the Civil Service in spite of the modest success of his articles and the prospect of a first book being published .
26 ‘ He 's certainly capable of a first . ’
27 This must be something of a first , although the kitchen was extended in 1931 .
28 Meanwhile , the first British PWR was being planned for Sizewell on the Suffolk coast , already the site of a first generation Magnox station .
29 A survey of women in Massachusetts has found the average length of a first healthy pregnancy to be 41 weeks and 1 day , with subsequent pregnancies at 40 weeks & 3 days ; Black and Japanese women have shorter pregnancies .
30 It was a draft of a first letter .
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